BRICS+ architects to get new platform for sharing best practices
Сities and municipalities of the countries of the association have identified the main areas of cooperation at the Kazanysh forum

Many cities in the BRICS+ countries face the same challenges today: managing permafrost, developing coastal areas, restoring so-called post-war land, and developing historical centres. This was the conclusion reached by the participants of the first meeting of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Development of the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the countries of the association. The historic meeting took place on 6 February in Kazan within the framework of the Kazanysh International Forum. Read more about how the countries plan to cooperate for the development of cities and what role the capital of Tatarstan will play in this in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
“We are interested in the experience of urban development through the preservation of their historical heritage”
Back in October, at a meeting of the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS countries, Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin invited colleagues to the Kazanysh forum. Due to the expansion of the list of partner countries of the association and the need to invite their representatives to the capital of Tatarstan, the event was even postponed from December to February just a couple of weeks before the expected opening. Today, representatives of China, Turkey, Brazil, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia, Iran and other countries, as well as dozens of regions of Russia, finally gathered at the new Kamal Theatre.
The main purpose of the first meeting of the committee is to get to know each other, it was emphasised at the beginning of the meeting. The participants briefly presented their cities and shared their expectations of international cooperation.
“What areas of cooperation are we interested in? Of course, the experience of developing cities through the preservation of their historical heritage," said Pavel Sokolov, the chief architect of St. Petersburg. “Our city has probably one of the most stringent heritage protection laws in Russia: both the panoramas and the dimensions of the building are protected. We are very interested in the experience of our colleagues.”

Another topic of concern to the northern capital of Russia is the establishment of transport links between the historical centre of the city and new developments, he added.
“Management and administrative practices in BRICS cities are very valuable to us, the regions”
Minsk expressed its readiness to share its experience in restoring territories destroyed as a result of military operations.
“Despite the centuries-old history of our city, its urban planning was formed in the post-war years. Many people know that it was practically wiped off the face of the earth during the Great Patriotic War," said Viktor Gutko, the chief architect of Minsk.
Marina Rakova, the chief adviser to the governor of Nizhny Novgorod Region, drew attention to that not only the development of urban space can be learned from foreign colleagues. “We, the regions, find management and administrative practices in BRICS cities very valuable. [It is important to study] how functions are combined to achieve the goals of sustainable development and maintain a high standard of living," she said.

Brazil's largest city learns how to use water resources from Kazan
Speaking about the experience of the capital of Tatarstan, the participants of the meeting noted more than once: its experience of developing water territories is especially interesting.
“In Kazan, I once again see an example of using the water surface in an urban environment, bringing this resource closer to the city," said Viktor Gutko.
A similar opinion was expressed by the president of São Paulo Urbanismo (a municipal organisation dealing with urban planning and development), Pedro Martin Fernandez, in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya. He stressed that even the forum itself takes place in a building located near Lake Kaban. “And this is far from the only positive example of the use of waterfront territories in Kazan, whether lakes or a river," Fernandez is sure.

According to him, Sao Paulo, the most populous city in Brazil, is currently looking for a way to efficiently use water resources, and the example of the capital of Tatarstan can play an important role in this: “We have such a problem, but Kazan shows how to find a solution.” What specific practice could be adopted in his hometown? According to Fernandez, this is the creation of recreation areas and democratic public spaces near the water. This is a great example of using the territory by the water, he is sure.
“Our youth are creative, promising, they should not work in isolation from the rest of the world”
Exchange programs were expected to become one of the main topics of discussion. The chief architect of Minsk was the first to draw attention to the importance of creating such opportunities for students: “Our youth are creative and promising, they should not work in isolation from the rest of the world. We need something to unite them, so that students can share their practices and study what is being created by senior colleagues today.”
Ilya Pozdnyakov, the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Krasnodar Krai, reminded that recent graduates also need to communicate with foreign colleagues.

“We have an institute for urban planning and urban environment development in our department, where about 30 young specialists work. They combine all the experience of the representatives of our subject. We could, for example, send five people to someone to practice in the authorities, to look at the structure. In response, we are ready to receive five people in our Krasnodar Krai, with all the Kuban hospitality," he made a specific proposal.
The election of the head of the committee is expected at the next meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the chief architects of the BRICS+ countries signed a memorandum of cooperation: no one voted against. Now it is necessary to choose the head of the committee, said Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, the chief architect of Kazan. According to her, it will be possible to nominate candidates on the website of the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries.
“I think that at the next meeting in Brazil we will have a pool of candidates. Please be very active!” the chief architect of Kazan urged.
In addition, an information platform based on the website of the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries is expected to be launched in the future. Experts will have the opportunity to learn about university programs, international architectural competitions and innovative solutions used in different countries.
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