‘We see the fascinating process of interaction of substances, we know the secrets of their transformation’

‘We see the fascinating process of interaction of substances, we know the secrets of their transformation’
Photo: Александр Ильин

Measure the level of noise, vibration, illumination, determine the microclimate, the quality of drinking, natural, waste water, as well as atmospheric air — nothing is impossible for the sanitary and industrial laboratory of TAIF-NK JSC. During the year, the company's employees conduct tens of thousands of measurements and analyses for more than 200 indicators. Read more about the nuances of the profession in a report of Realnoe Vremya.

“I work in the laboratory and understand this is mine”

Laboratory assistants of the sanitary and industrial laboratory of TAIF-NK JSC can be compared to hard-working bees. These sweet, modest girls collect water and air samples, conduct dozens of analyses, conduct accurate calculations and documentation around the clock, according to the schedule.

Laysan Gayazova got a job as a chemical analysis lab technician two years ago, right after graduating from the Lemayev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining. The girl says that she chose the profession with her heart. According to her, chemistry was always her favourite subject at school.

Laysan Gayazova got a job as a chemical analysis lab technician two years ago, right after graduating from the Lemayev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining. Александр Ильин / realnoevremya.ru

“A chemical analysis lab technician is almost a magician. We see the fascinating process of interaction of substances, we know the secrets of their transformation. It is for these miracles that I love my profession. We have to constantly develop, learn, move forward. I work in the lab and understand that this is mine,” she emphasises.

Laysan is a shift chemical analysis lab technician. Regardless of the time of day, her work day begins approximately the same. The first thing she does when she comes on shift is to check the availability of solutions, the serviceability of the equipment and read the records and orders in the journals. Then she goes to collect samples at certain points.

“This morning I went to the local wastewater treatment shop to collect samples at all stages of water purification. Then I returned to my workplace and began to process the information. Our laboratory has everything necessary for research: test tubes, scales, chemical catalysts, reagents, and many devices unfamiliar to the average person. If we do the calculation manually, we enter the data in a special journal,” Laysan clarified.

The quality of drinking, natural, and waste water is under the close supervision of chemical analysis laboratory technicians. Александр Ильин / realnoevremya.ru

The quality of drinking, natural, and waste water is under the close supervision of chemical analysis laboratory technicians. Last year, specialists examined the aquatic environment about 3,500 times. In addition, the sanitary and industrial laboratory monitors the state of the atmospheric air. Samples are taken both on the territory of the enterprise and at the border of the sanitary protection zone. In 2023 alone, more than 40,000 measurements, sampling and testing of the air environment were carried out here.

“In addition to ours, each plant of the enterprise has its own laboratory where the quality of manufactured products is checked. I want to say that water and air are also a product, a product for life. It is very important for all of us. Monitoring the environmental background, the reliability of the results of numerous measurements and samples is the work that our specialists perform on a daily basis,” stressed Aida Akhmadullina, head of the Sanitary and Industrial Laboratory.

Monitoring the environmental background, the reliability of the results of numerous measurements and samples is the work that specialists perform, stressed Aida Akhmadullina. Александр Ильин / realnoevremya.ru

Under strict control

In addition to environmental monitoring, the responsibilities of laboratory workers include monitoring the physical factors of the production environment. In other words, laboratory assistants ensure that the enterprise's employees have proper working conditions.

“The health of the entire team partly depends on the results of the research. According to the plans of analytical and production control, our specialists measure the microclimate, noise, vibration, illumination, electromagnetic radiation parameters, electrostatic field strength and aeroionic composition of the air at different times of the year at workplaces. All this allows us to improve working conditions. We take measurements not only indoors, but also at installations, in pumping and ventilation chambers. Last year, our laboratory technicians carried out over 30 thousand measurements, sampling and testing of physical factors,” highlighted Aida Akhmadullina.

In addition to environmental monitoring, the responsibilities of laboratory workers include monitoring physical factors of the production environment. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

Based on the results of the monitoring, the laboratory employees draw up protocols and send them to the environmental protection department and the labour protection service for timely adoption of the necessary decisions. Each employee of the enterprise is also familiar with this information. If there are prerequisites and to exceeding the standards, all necessary measures are taken to normalise the situation.

“The laboratory technicians enter the obtained results into a special programme, which automatically shows the excess. Then we issue a protocol to one or another department, where they develop an action plan to improve working conditions and safety. After the work has been carried out, we again receive an application from this department, and we go out for a repeat inspection,” adds the head of the Sanitary and Industrial Laboratory.

Based on the results of the control, the laboratory staff draws up protocols. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

In total, over the past year, laboratory technicians conducted about 75,000 studies. There is no doubt in the accuracy of the test results. The sanitary and industrial laboratory is equipped with modern equipment from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers. These are noise and vibration analysers Assistant-TOTAL +, ion chromatograph DionexICS-5000, gas chromatographs Clarus, analytical scales, atomic absorption spectrometer PinAAcle and others.

The only man on staff at the Sanitary and Industrial Laboratory electronics engineer Alexander Mineyev ensures proper technical operation and uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

The only man on staff at the Sanitary and Industrial Laboratory electronics engineer Alexander Mineyev ensures proper technical operation and uninterrupted operation of the equipment. Александр Ильин / realnoevremya.ru

“I service the equipment, conduct analysis, calibration and adjustment. Each piece of equipment and apparatus requires daily inspection to ensure it is in good working order. I have been working in this laboratory for a short time, six months. There are specifics to working in a female team, but I like it,” he smiles.

Since 2015, the laboratory has been part of the national part of the Unified Register of Accredited Testing Laboratories of the Customs Union. In 2023, it successfully passed the procedure for confirming its competence and expanding the scope of accreditation for water and air monitoring facilities.

In addition to its main responsibilities, monitoring the state of the environment and production environment, the laboratory staff conducts environmental education activities. Specialists visit schools to tell children in an entertaining way about caring for nature, about the role water plays in human life and the impact humans have on water resources.

Specialists visit schools to tell children in an entertaining way about caring for nature. Александр Ильин / realnoevremya.ru

Such lessons always cause genuine delight in young listeners — it's not every day that you see a real chemistry show. After all, chemistry is not only the science of substances, but an entire “industry of magical transformations.”

Liliya Yegorova

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