More than half of Tatarstan residents highly rate the level of agricultural development in the republic

More than half of Tatarstan residents highly rate the level of agricultural development in the republic
Photo: Реальное время

Most city residents believe that Tatarstan provides itself with food only by half

Most residents of large cities of Tatarstan (11.8%) believe that the republic provides itself with basic food products only by 50-60%. Only 4.9% of city residents know that this figure is more than 100%. The study on the perception of residents of large cities of the region on aspects of the agricultural and food production industry was conducted by Promrating agency together with Chistopolye agroholding.

The second most popular answer was the option “provides 100%” — 11.6% of respondents voted for it. Another 10.7% believe that this figure is 30-50%.

It is noteworthy that the same number of city residents who chose the correct answer — 4.9% — assess this indicator as low, by 5-10%. Another 1.9% are sure that Tatarstan does not provide itself with basic food products.

At the same time, the majority of respondents (19.4%) found it difficult to answer.

The general level of agricultural development in the republic was assessed as “extremely high” by 10.9% of middle-aged respondents and 7.6% of those over 55. At the same time, the answer options “high” and “extremely high” were chosen by 50% of men and only 32% of women.

Middle-aged men assess the region’s agriculture most positively, while older women assess it most negatively.

Basic food products include milk, meat, chicken eggs, bread, sugar and vegetable oil.

Young people often assess the importance of agriculture as low

The connection between agriculture and the shelves of local stores is understood by 69% of respondents — they chose the options “high importance” and “extremely high importance”. Among them, 71.4% are men and 66.6% are women. This assessment was given by approximately the same number of middle-aged citizens and citizens over 55 years old.

3.8% of respondents assess the importance of agriculture as low or extremely low. Among urban youth of Tatarstan, there are three times more respondents who assess the importance of agriculture as low than among older people: 6.5% versus 2%.

Women voted for the option “low importance” more often than men — 2.7% versus 0.2%. At the same time, 3.6% of city residents gave the answer “extremely low importance”, and among city women this number was only 0.1%.

A third of survey participants consider their knowledge of agricultural issues in the Republic of Tatarstan to be low or extremely low (31%), another 20% found it difficult to answer the question.

34.3% of respondents consider the sector promising

34.3% of city residents would like their children to be involved in agriculture and food production in Tatarstan in some way. Almost 39.2% of city men want an “agrarian future” for their children, while only 32.4% of city women gave this answer.

Among those who are against such a future for their children are 32.5% of women and only 10.7% of men. 28.6% of city men and 21% of city women voted for the “yes and no” option.

Only 11% of respondents call the agricultural sector of Tatarstan definitely high-tech and automated. The majority of city respondents (32%) believe that it is “high-tech in some places, and backward in others.”

15.5% of respondents call the republic’s agriculture rather backward or outdated. It is interesting that among men, 22% of male urban residents and only 7% of female urban residents are confident in the high-tech nature of Tatarstan agriculture.

Yelizaveta Punsheva

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