Transport to cost almost 2 million rubles for participants of Sabantuy 2024 in Kazan

Transport to cost almost 2 million rubles for participants of Sabantuy 2024 in Kazan
Photo: Максим Платонов

Realnoe Vremya has found out how the transport support is going to be be organised for the participants of the Sabantuy 2024 in Kazan. The initial cost of providing services will be 1,980,000 rubles. The initial price for one unit of transport is 3,000 rubles.

A bus escort will be organised in Kazan for the technical staff, the organising committee, adult creative teams and other participants of Sabantuy. Transportation will also be provided to volunteers and children's and adolescent groups who have not reached the age of 18.

Buses will be needed during rehearsals and the holiday itself. On the day of the first rehearsal, 10 buses will be needed for 6 hours, the second and third rehearsals — 25 buses each for 6 hours. On the day of the dress rehearsal and on the day of the holiday, 25 units of transport will also be involved for 6 hours.

The services will be provided from the moment of signing the contract and in agreement with the customer, but no later than June 23, 2024.

Earlier it became known that the executive committee of the Aktanyshsky municipal district of Tatarstan will allocate 9.9 million rubles for the creation of the Sabantuy farmstead in the Altai Territory. The republic will bring a mosque, a house and a mill there.

Renata Valeeva

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