Engineering and technical specialties to get most state-funded places in Russian universities

Alexander Mazhuga, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, said at the MMCO 2024 exhibition and forum that the availability of free education in Russian universities has been increasing over the past 3 years.
This year, more than 60% of 11th grade graduates can apply for places funded from the state budget. About 600 thousand places are available in colleges and technical schools.
The expert also named the top 5 priority areas of training for the state with the maximum number of places:
- engineering and technical specialties;
- teachers;
- doctors;
- IT specialists;
- specialists in the field of agriculture.
The chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy, Artyom Metelev, said that the vocational guidance system helps students to decide on a profession.
“Starting from the 5th grade, students learn about professions not only in theory, but also visit production facilities, study and meet with representatives of companies," he noted.
Besides, a social block is added to this career guidance — “Service Training”. At the instruction of the president, the programme was launched in 135 pilot universities last year, and this year schools join it. The goal of the project is to ensure that by 2030 every young person can implement social projects in their profession during their studies.
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