Special milestone in the history of TAIF-NK: esterification plant produced its first products 15 years ago

The plant for the production of the fuel additives MTBE and TAME of the Gasoline Plant has celebrated its anniversary

Special milestone in the history of TAIF-NK: esterification plant produced its first products 15 years ago
Photo: provided by press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

In January 2009, 15 years ago, an important event took place in the history of Tatarstan oil refining: the esterification plant was put into operation at the first production facility of the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC. Thus, Nizhnekamsk established its own production of high-octane components for commercial gasoline — up to 24.8 thousand tons a year of MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) and up to 152.8 thousand tons a year of TAME (tert-amyl methyl ether). The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya met with those who stood at the origins of construction, and also learned what is the difference between MTBE and TAME and due to what chemical properties octane-boosting additives entered the top of the most popular in the production of gasoline.

What are MTBE and TAME?

Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME) — to a person unrelated to the oil refining industry, the names of these chemical components mean little. Nevertheless, both MTBE and TAME have long been firmly established in our lives — without the use of these octane-boosting additives, it is almost impossible to produce modern automobile gasoline.

MTBE and TAME are considered the most effective components worldwide, says Shamil Zaynagutdinov. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

It is no secret that gasoline is not used in its pure form — fuel additives are necessarily added during production. This is done to improve the quality of gasoline and in order to save money. Getting gasoline is a long and expensive process, and fuel additives are a real way to save money and get a high-quality product. Special attention is paid to octane-boosting additives: the octane index is, perhaps, the most important characteristic of gasoline. It is the octane number that determines the knock characteristic of the fuel. The larger it is, the better the gasoline. MTBE and TAME are considered the most effective components for this purpose worldwide," says Shamil Zaynagutdinov, the head of Shop No. 01 of the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC.

Starting from 2005 (the year of commissioning of the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC), the company was forced to purchase MTBE and TAME on the side, which negatively affected the cost of commercial gasoline. In 2008, it was decided to start construction of its own esterification plant. The new production facility was supposed to fully meet the needs for a high-octane fuel additive, as well as increase the operational efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

All the goals set by the company's management have been achieved by 100%. In January 2009, the esterification plant produced its first products. The resulting product fully met the design parameters in terms of its quality characteristics. The design capacity for the production of TAME amounted to 152.8 thousand tons a year, MTBE — 24.8 thousand tons.

“The main raw material for the production of MTBE is isobutylene contained in the butane-butylene fraction after catalytic cracking, purification from sulphur compounds. It acts as a non-toxic, but less calorific high-octane component and as an oxygenate that promotes more complete combustion of fuel and prevents corrosion of metals. Thanks to the use of gasoline mixed with MTBE, the anti-knock resistance of the fuel increases, the engine start temperature and the negative impact of exhaust gases on the environment decrease, wear of engine parts decreases, the formation of carbon deposits and varnish deposits decreases, fuel consumption decreases," emphasises Shamil Zaynagutdinov.

Design capacity for the production of TAME amounted to 152.8 thousand tons a year, MTBE — 24.8 thousand tons. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

TAME is also a high-octane component with fairly similar characteristics to MTBE, the company clarifies. TAME is produced from isoamylenes contained in a light gasoline fraction, also obtained at the nearby catalytic cracking plant, and has an increased calorific value. The high-octane characteristics of TAME make it possible to increase the production of AI-92 and AI-95 gasolines.

“I remember perfectly well how we started”

The operator of the 6th category of the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC, Andrey Lekarev, was one of those who took part in the commissioning of the MTBE and TAME block. He still remembers the events of fifteen years ago with warmth and a sense of pride.

Operator of the Gasoline Plant, Andrey Lekarev, was one of those who took part in the commissioning of the MTBE and TAME blocks. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“When I came here, I saw an open field. There were excavation works, construction of the control room. I remember perfectly well how we started. It all went somehow easily, without hesitation. Just our shift B was involved. There were intelligent commissioning specialists, the workshop management explained everything to us competently. I am proud of my work. How many people have passed through my hands, everyone remembers me, thanks me for working together. Many of the people I started with have successfully climbed up the career ladder," admits Andrey Lekarev.

Together with Andrey Lekarev, Valery Maratkanov, the future deputy head of the MTBE, TAME production workshop, got a job at the esterification plant in 2008. After learning that construction of the new production facility had begun at the TAIF-NK Gasoline Plant, he decided to become part of the refinery's team. Prior to that, he had worked in the MTBE production workshop at a nearby petrochemical plant.

“I got a job at the TAIF-NK Gasoline Plant in May 2008. I got interested in new production, new acquaintances. I came there as an operator of the 4th category. The modern production grew in the open field before my eyes. I remember that the first reactor was brought on my son's birthday. I have gained a lot of professional experience over 15 years of work. I was able to climb up the career ladder. Everyone can express themselves here, the main thing is to have a desire. We have a very good team. Friendly, cohesive. Everyone stands for each other. Experienced employees help young people to join the team, share their experience and knowledge," he emphasises.

Valery Maratkanov: I remember that the first reactor was brought on my son's birthday. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

Speaking about the esterification plant, Valery Maratkanov notes that the inhouse source of MTBE and TAME gives the opportunity to monitor the quality of products around the clock and remain, importantly, highly independent of external supplies:

“High-octane components for the production of commercial gasoline are always at hand. It's good to have it in-house. The inclusion of these additives in the formulation of motor fuel not only increases its octane number, but also improves the combustion process of gasoline, reduces the amount of harmful emissions from vehicles," he adds.

Two years ago, Almaz Fakhriev got a job as an operator of the 4th category at the MTBE and TAME production unit. The young man received a higher pedagogical education, but after graduation he realised that he wanted to connect his life with the oil refining industry. To get a job at TAIF-NK, the young man studied to be an apparatchik at the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining.

Two years ago, Almaz Fakhriev got a job as an operator of the 4th category at the MTBE and TAME production unit. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“There are more prospects in TAIF-NK. The salary is decent. The green light is on for young, ambitious professionals. In two years, I raised the rank from fourth to fifth. I am very grateful to my mentor Andrey Lekarev. When I got a job at the MTBE and TAME production plant, I didn't know anything at all. They showed me everything step by step from zero to the highest mark, they told me the technology. Our unit is not the most complicated in the entire gasoline production chain, but it is no less important and interesting," says Almaz Fakhriev, a young specialist.

Course for import substitution

Over the years, the esterification plant has proven its reliability and efficiency. Today, more than half a million tonnes a year, or every fourth liter, of motor gasoline in Tatarstan is produced at TAIF-NK The products of the Gasoline Refinery of the oil refining company have repeatedly been recognised as the best at national and federal quality competitions.

Over the years, the esterification plant has proven its reliability and efficiency. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The compliance of gasoline from TAIF-NK with the requirements for automotive fuel is constantly confirmed by its own industrial laboratory and independent experts. In Tatarstan, the quality of products sold at the filling stations of the republic is monitored on a regular basis. The raids are organised by specialists of the Management of Rational Use of Fuel and Energy Resources state institution.

Ilsur Samigullin: in terms of performance and environmental friendliness, TAIF-NK gasoline can already be called branded today. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“The gasoline produced by TAIF-NK contains about 20% of aromatic hydrocarbons, and the content of resins and benzenes is many times less than the permissible value, that is, several times less than the norm. What does this mean for the car owner? The low content of these substances leads to a complete combustion of the fuel-air mixture and, as a consequence, to the absence of coking property of engine parts. In other words, both in terms of performance and environmental friendliness, TAIF-NK gasoline can already be called branded," Ilsur Samigullin, the director of the Gasoline Plant, said in an interview with our publication.

Ad. TAIF-NK JSC. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

In the current geopolitical situation, import substitution processes are actively continuing at the enterprise. They also affected the MTBE and TAME production unit. Imported pumps have already been replaced with domestic ones, reducing dependence on supplies of foreign parts. The work in this direction will continue. The automated control system will be updated here in the near future.

Lilia Yegorova

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