‘It’s a lot of work to go on stage and show yourself’

Winners of the zonal round of the republican contest Woman of The Year. Man of The Year: Woman's Look have been announced in Nizhnekamsk

‘It’s a lot of work to go on stage and show yourself’
Photo: provided by press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The brightest, most successful, and talented ones. Nizhnekamsk has chosen the best female managers, leaders, production workers, and mothers. The zonal round of the competition Woman of The Year. Man of The Year: Woman's Look took place on the basis of Adymnar multilingual complex. . This year, a record number of participants took part in it — 14 contestants fought for the right to represent the city at the level of Tatarstan. As the organisers of the event noted, each of them is an example of how one can successfully combine gentleness and strength, wisdom and beauty, spirituality and versatility of talent, motherhood and professionalism. Who became the winner of the zonal round— in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“Such contests unite families”

Bright performances, incredible, emotions and unforgettable impressions. The zonal stage of the republican contest Woman of The Year. Man of The Year: Woman's Look has finished on the stage of Adymnar in Nizhnekamsk. . This year, the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District presented 14 candidates in nine nominations, including heads of educational institutions, entrepreneurs, employees of industrial enterprises, rural workers and young leaders-social activists, cultural and art workers.

Each participant who took the stage had something to surprise those present in the auditorium. Regina Ganieva, a leading energy engineer of the Department of the Chief Power Engineer of TAIF-NK HRCC, participated in the nomination Female Leader. The young woman considers her main achievement to be the consolidation of Nizhnekamsk residents into an initiative group, which today already has more than two hundred caring people. Together they help families who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The main attention is paid to children with disabilities.

Regina Ganieva, a leading energy engineer of the Department of the Chief Power Engineer of TAIF-NK HRCC, take part in the nomination Female Leader provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“I am very glad that I have taken part in this competition. I noted three main things for myself. The first is the strength of the family. I performed on stage with my mother, husband, and children. This is very important. Such contests unite families. Three generations stood on the stage! Secondly, I would like to note the support that my colleagues and the organisers of the competition provided to me. It has been my first time on stage, and I was very warmly and cordially welcomed. Thirdly, I was very pleased to perform and stand on the same stage with the honoured people of the city. I wish there were more such contests. It's a huge experience. There are a lot of emotions, they cannot be expressed in words," Regina admitted.

Larisa Abramovich, an individual entrepreneur, head of a flower and decor salon, high-class florist designer, won the nomination Businesswoman. Nadezhda Minibayeva, a drama actress, the head of the troupe of the Nizhnekamsk Young Spectator Theater, member of the Union of Theatrical Figures of Russia, won the jury in the nomination Woman — Culture and Spirituality.

Drama actress Nadezhda Minibayeva won the hearts of the jury in the nomination Woman — Culture and Spirituality. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“Everyone has a powerful potential inside”

Lilia Gizetdinova, the chief specialist of the Polylab Elastomer Laboratory, became the youngest participant of the competition. She fought for the victory in the nomination My Destiny is My Profession. The girl has worked at Nizhnekamskneftekhim for 6 years. She fell in love with chemistry already at school and decided to devote her life to this particular science. Over the years, the young specialist has achieved high results. She is a co-author of five innovation proposals, accompanied 35 pilot tests. Lilia's achievements are presented at the All-Russian competition Engineer of The Year.

“Considering that we spend most of our time at work, my profession occupies the main part of my life. It's exciting and interesting. I am developing new types of synthetic rubbers. This activity gives the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of the chemical industry and the creation of innovative materials that can be used in various industries," she shared.

Rosalia Yamilova, the head of the laboratory of TAIF-NK Gasoline Plant, as well as Lilia Gizetdinova, presented the nomination My Destiny is My Profession. Her video and an unforgettable performance of a song about her favourite work captivated all the members of the jury. Now she has to defend the honour of her native enterprise at the national level. However, the mother of three children is no stranger to victories.

Combining household chores, parenting and the challenging position of head of the industrial laboratory of the Gasoline Plant, she was previously able to achieve the highest nomination Grand Prix in a regional beauty contest.

Rosalia Yamilova, the head of the laboratory of TAIF-NK Gasoline Plant, presented the nomination My Destiny is My Profession”. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“I would like to express my gratitude to the organisers, directors, cameramen, presenters, and everyone who is involved in such a wonderful event. There were great participants, each with a powerful potential inside, each with its own peculiarity, all really worthy. I am very glad that I got to meet everyone and also be a part of the competition. May each of you definitely achieve all your planned plans and never give up on the path to bright and good deeds. Thank you all!” Rosalia said, not hiding her emotions.

“You are all winners today”

The psychologist of the Nizhnekamsk Regional Hospital, Tatyana Khismatullina, became the best in the nomination Mother Woman. A professional in her field who helps to solve the psychological problems of children and adolescents. She is also an author and participant in preventive projects, she was awarded the honourary badge of High Quality Achiever. But, as Tatiana admits, first of all, she is a loving wife and a caring mother of three sons, two of whom have already created their own families.

Psychologist of the Nizhnekamsk Regional Hospital Tatyana Khismatullina became the best in the nomination Mother Woman. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

Lilia Gimranova, the head of kindergarten No. 15, became the Female Leader.

The title Male Leader was awarded to Gali Khasanov, Honoured Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan, chief physician of Rehabilitation multidisciplinary clinic, military doctor in reserve, combat veteran.

The Man — Noble Heart title was awarded to: Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, member of the Union of Artists of Russia and Tatarstan Ildus Murtazin and veteran of the Strategic Missile Forces Kazbek Rizvanov.

The title Man — Noble Heart was awarded to Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildus Murtazin. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

However, as the jury members noted, everyone who became a participant in the competition and put in their work can rightfully consider themselves a winner who knows how to inspire, motivate, and energise others with their energy.

“This is the thirtieth contest held by the republican public organisation Woman of Tatarstan. Today, highly professional, real leaders are on the stage. You are all winners today. It is a great job to go on stage, show yourself, prepare presentation videos, performances," said Gulzada Rudenko, a member of the Council of the Woman of Tatarstan NGO, the director general of the Yelabuga State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, chairman of the Union of Businesswomen of Naberezhnye Chelny and the Zakamye region.

Results of the republican stage of the competition will be summed up in Kazan on the eve of March 8. provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The results of the republican stage of the competition are summed up in Kazan on the eve of March 8. The winners will be determined in 10 nominations.

Lilia Yegorova

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