Elon Musk agrees with Vladimir Putin on use of dollar

Elon Musk agrees with Vladimir Putin on use of dollar
Photo: from kremlin.ru by realnoevremya.ru

American billionaire Elon Musk agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s opinion that the US uses the dollar as a weapon. The businessman shared his thoughts on X.

“We have overplayed our hand in weaponizing the dollar. It was a dumb move,” Mask concluded.

During his interview with American TV host Tucker Carlson, the Russian president claimed that the US made a terrible strategic blunder by using the dollar as a tool for the fight on the global arena. The country’s currency reserves started to reduce after these actions.

According to the latest data, the number of views of the Russian president’s interview with the American host reached 83.5 million by Friday evening. The post received 649.500 likes.

The Russian president’s interview with Tucker Carlson lasted for 2 hours and 7 minutes. The Kremlin published the full version of the interview on its website.

During the talk, the sides touched upon Ukraine, the Nord Stream sabotage, relations with the West, the role of BRICS in the global economy and so on.

Ayrat Nazipov

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