‘When will lorries lift the blockade of the city?’: food stuck in snow in Tatarstan

Urban authorities promise to solve the problem with a lack of food during the next few days

‘When will lorries lift the blockade of the city?’: food stuck in snow in Tatarstan
Photo: realnoevremya.ru

In the last few days, Kazan citizens have been complaining about a shortage of foodstuffs in grocery stores. The shelves turned out to be empty due to limited traffic on motor ways as well as driveways to grocery stores. Urban authorities are promising to solve the problem of the deficit of foodstuffs and stabilise the situation these days. Meanwhile, Realnoe Vremya’s expert thinks that this collapse should be used to make conclusions and be ready for such emergencies beforehand.

“Some groceries don’t have bread”

The urban authorities claimed there was a shortage of food in grocery stores. As vice head of the Kazan Executive Committee’s taskforce Ildar Shakirov said at a meeting recently, there was a shortage of food products, first of all, in nearby grocery stores.

Food supply was restricted due to limited traffic on motor ways.

“The deficit was seen only among preishable products such as dairy, bread and pastry, vegetables, given than there was not any stock for them,” he claimed.

realnoevremya.ru/Rinat Nazmetdinov

Citizens noticed the shortage of food and showered the city administration with angry comments. People were unhappy that snow at their courtyards was not removed, so lorries could not access groceries and unload products with a short shelf life.

“Good evening, I have a question about food supply. It is a problem to find bread or milk in grocery stores. When will lorries lift the blockade of the city?” a Kazan citizen noted.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

The city administration repeated in its reply that the problem with food supply occurred due to limited traffic on motorways. According to representatives of the city administration, there was seen a shortage of products on bread, dairy, vegetable and fruit shelves — these categories are regularly supplied and there is no stock.

“Since traffic limits on motor ways have been lifted, they will start supplying food today,” the city administration assured them.

It should be added that not only Kazan citizens but also residents of other Tatarstan cities faced a lack of food. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food confirmed the problem. It claimed that there were issues with food supply to distribution centres on motor ways.

realnoevremya.ru/Sergey Koscheyev

Traffic limits on lorries and buses were lifted a day ago, which allowed enterprises to start shipping products directly to grocery stores.

Nowadays the situation is stabilising, and all the essential products will appear on the shelves, the ministry said.

Alexander Zaripov

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