Snowstorm alert again due to blizzard and strong wind in Tatarstan

Snowstorm alert again due to blizzard and strong wind in Tatarstan
Photo: Platonov

The Tatarstan Weather Centre again announced a snowstorm alert due upcoming blizzard with strong wind.

According to weather forests, blizzard is expected in the republic and in its capital with poor visibility. 15-20 m/s southern wind, with a gust of up to 25 m/s at times is forecasted. Sleet is expected at the same time, snow banks and black ice can appear on roads.

Night temperature can go down from -15 to -20 degrees and from -1 to -6 degrees at daytime. Platonov

It should be noted that the Weather Centre said that the precipitation in Tatarstan would amount to 25-35mm. This will add up to another 60-70% of the monthly average. The republic will be affected by active cyclones with heavy precipitation.

Severe snowfall already was observed in Tatarstan last week. The bad weather considerably complicated the situation on roads in the region. Highways were closed in some districts of the republic because of the blizzard and abundant precipitation. A situation at the Kazan airport was serious — planes couldn’t either take off or land.

Maxim Kokunin

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