Funeral service prices can soar in Kazan

Funeral service prices can soar in Kazan
Photo: Fatykhov

Kazan authorities want to raise funeral prices in the city. The price was last raised last year, Realnoe Vremya found out.

Services to add 7.4%

The price for the above-mentioned services can increase from 1 February 2024. The new price will be 8.370 rubles. So it will be 577 rubles more expensive.

Burial itself accounts for nearly half the sum — grave digging and burial. This service was assessed at 3.764 rubles (it was 3.505 rubles).

Providing and delivering the coffin and other funeral essentials will cost 2.729 rubles, reads a decree of head of Kazan’s Executive Committee Rustem Gafarov. The service will be 188 rubles more expensive. Platonov (archive)

The transportation of the corpse or remains to a cemetery lasting for three hours was evaluated at 1.875 rubles. The price will go 129 rubles up. Only paperwork remains a free-of-charge service.

It should be reminded that the cost of services in Kazan in 2020 was 6.124 rubles. A year later, it rose by 300 rubles. In 2023, the services reached 7.793 rubles.

The document hasn’t been approved yet. An anti-corruption inspection will last until 24 January. The decision will officially come into force in case it is approved.

Rules have changed since 2015

New rules for financial costs to maintain urban cemeteries have been approved in Kazan since the start of the year. They have risen for the first time since 2015.

So manual waste disposal increased by 67.97 rubles while automated waste collection did by 100 rubles. Platonov (archive)

The Kazan Funeral Services Office was tasked with burial site maintenance and regular cemetery cleaning.

Ayrat Nazipov

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