‘Dream on! Set new goals and you will succeed!’: Republican New Year Tree in Kazan

The first of two planned republican New Year's Trees for schoolchildren from all 45 municipal districts of Tatarstan was held at the Kazan Tatneft Arena on 25 December. Let us remind that this year, by the decision of the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, there will be two such performances. Seventeen thousand children were invited to them, of which about 9.5 thousand were children from the families of participants in the special military operation. Besides, gifted children and winners of republican and All-Russian Olympiads received invitations.

“I want my dad to come back from the war”
While waiting for all the invited guests, the presenters tried to improvise, entertain those who had already gathered in the stands. At the same time, they learned what modern children dream about and what gifts they want.

Among the desires — to have a laptop, a game console, the most modern smartphone and countless sweets, a sign of the current reality sounded touching to tears: “I want my dad to come back from the war.”

Before the beginning of a colorful but philosophical presentation about the difference between desire and dream with the participation of artists of the Kazan Circus, Rustam Minnikhanov, the rais of Tatarstan, addressed the students.
The power of dreams
He congratulated the students on the upcoming New Year, thanked them for their successes and achievements, noting that in the past year, students provided the republic with the title of “the most reading region”.

“For the eleventh year in a row, Tatarstan ranks third in terms of the number of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren," also reminded the rais of Tatarstan. Besides, Minnikhanov wished the audience to continue dreaming.
“Dream on! Set new goals, and you will succeed!” he assured.
The rais of Tatarstan also recalled that “family is the main value of any society, the most important thing that every person has”.
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