Polyclinics are overworking, Tatarstan’s vice health care minister says

Polyclinics are overworking, Tatarstan’s vice health care minister says
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Rinat Nazmetdinov (archive)

Health care institutions are overworking amid a rise in the flu incidence in Tatarstan. The republic’s Vice Health Care Minister and head of the Kazan Health Care Office Vladimir Zhavoronkov said this.

“At the moment, the health care system is going through a strained situation regarding the incidence of acute respiratory diseases. The turnout in polyclinics and outpatient institutions has significantly increased as well as ambulance calls. Polyclinics are overworking. We are extending the business hours of polyclinics in some municipalities,” he said.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

It should be reminded that 3.631 cases of flu inflection have been registered in Tatarstan since early autumn. They totalled over 5.000 during the same period last year. The incidence is expected to increase after the New Year holidays.

Tatiana Dyomina

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