20th, anniversary: Best Goods and Services of Tatarstan contest’s results summed up

The ceremony honouring the winners of the republican and federal quality contests has been held in the Kazan City Hall

20th, anniversary: Best Goods and Services of Tatarstan contest’s results summed up
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

Almost 400 applications from almost two hundred companies and enterprises of Tatarstan were received for the 20th anniversary republican quality contest The Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan. Expert commissions had a difficult time identifying the best of the best. Summing up the results traditionally took place on New Year's Eve. How the award ceremony took place — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

From the behest of Rustam Minnikhanov

For the first time, the Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan were chosen in 2003. Shamil Ageev, the chairman of the Union Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, told the audience at the Kazan City Hall about how the competition was born.

Shamil Ageev: “The idea of the contest The Best Goods and Services of Tatarstan belongs to Rustam Minnikhanov. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

“The idea of this competition belongs entirely to the rais of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov. It was in 2003. He was the prime minister then. It started with this decision. Then it was Alabuga SEZ, then Idea technopark, KIP Master, etc. Today, this competition is especially important because the issue of developing import substitution is acute and it is necessary to support those who create and offer new goods and services," he stressed.

Oleg Ibragimov, the acting director of the State Regional Centre for Standardisation, Metrology, and Testing in the Republic of Tatarstan, and at the same time, chairman of the regional quality commission of the federal programme 100 Best Goods of Russia, considered it necessary to add that before the Tatarstan competition — since 1997 — only the federal 100 Best Goods started. The Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan from the first days became a stage of the All-Russian competition. Moreover, the republic is the most active participant in it:

“Over this time, 4,300 Tatarstan enterprises took part in the federal competition. Nine thousand products of these enterprises became winners," Oleg Ibragimov noted.

Almost 400 applications from almost two hundred companies and enterprises of Tatarstan have been received to participate in the 2023 quality competition. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

They year 2023 is no exception. 106 enterprises and 170 types of goods and services represented the republic at the federal competition. As a result, three top prizes of the main quality competition of the country went to Tatarstan companies. The Quality Leader prize was awarded to KAMAZ PJSC. The Innovation prize was awarded to the branch of Grid Company JSC, Chistopol Electric Grids. The Taste of Quality prize was awarded to Azbuka Syra PLC.

Rustam Nigmatullin came on stage to congratulate the winners of the highest awards of the federal quality competition. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin congratulated the winners of the federal stage, as well as all the winners of the republican competition with well-deserved awards:

“According to the results of the All-Russian competition 100 Best Goods of Russia, Tatarstan has been a constant leader for many years. This achievement shows that in our republic, quality issues are given great importance. Despite the current economic situation, when the country faced numerous sanctions restrictions, the heads of republican enterprises were able to quickly adapt their production to modern realities, taking a course towards technological independence. Enterprises are improving, modernising, expanding the range, while maintaining high quality and competitiveness. Dear participants of the contest, thank you for your conscientious work, dedication, and initiative, which allow you to confidently move forward, overcoming difficulties.

5 nominations of the quality competition

Throughout the existence of the contest The Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan, its winners are selected in five categories: Food Products, Industrial Goods for the Population, Products For Industrial and Technical Purposes, Services, Products of Folk and Artistic Crafts.

Rodion Karpov: “Tatarstan is the unique region. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

“Tatarstan is a truly unique region, where almost all the industrial sectors that exist in the Russian Federation are represented. And the republic is a leading region among other subjects. First of all, thanks to the teams of enterprises, competent management, which directs these enterprises to new achievements and successes. Of course, I would like to note that tens of thousands of specifications and products are produced in the Republic of Tatarstan. And the best of the best are here today," First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Rodion Karpov emphasised from the stage. He had the honour to present awards to the laureates of the nomination Industrial and Technical Products.

TAIF-NK is a regular participant in the quality competition. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

Vladimir Gatunok, the representative of TAIF-NK JSC, assistant to the director general of the company, was the first to take the stage.

“I am proud that the work of our entire team of thousands was appreciated at such a high level," he said briefly.

Winners of the nomination Industrial and Technical Products. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

In the same nomination, the diplomas of the laureates were awarded to TANECO, Zelenodolsk Shipyard, RariTEK Automobile Plant, Commercial Trucks Group, KNPP Helicopters-MI, Nizhnekamskshina, and Nizhnekamsk Truck Tyre Plant, Kazanorgsintez, and Kazmetrostroy.

Laureates and prize-winners of the competition were representatives of a wide variety of business areas and forms. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

The applause sounded almost incessantly for almost an hour and a half. During this time, representatives of large industrial enterprises, heads of medium and small businesses, farmers and processors, doctors, developers of innovative solutions and keepers of centuries-old secrets of folk crafts went on stage. In 2023, 163 items of various goods and services were awarded the title of laureates of the competition, 129 — diplomas of the first degree, 79 — diplomas of the second degree.

Even more opportunities in the new year

At the end of the ceremony, Shamil Ageev recommended that all those gathered start thinking about new applications now.

Shamil Ageev recommended starting preparations for the formation of an application for the 2024 competition now. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

Oleg Ibragimov stressed that there will be even more opportunities for companies and enterprises of the republic to prove themselves in the near 2024. The competition, despite its advanced age, continues to develop actively.

Oleg Ibragimov announced the expansion of the list of nominations for the quality competition in 2024. realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

“Shamil Rakhimovich and I talked about this: in 2024, we plan to reformat the competition somewhat and introduce new nominations into it. For example, related to innovative products and import substitution," the acting director of the State Regional Centre for Standardisation, Metrology, and Testing in the Republic of Tatarstan shared his plans for the foreseeable future.

Arseny Favstritsky

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