Tatarstan to get 125.9 million rubles from federal budget to develop tourism

Tatarstan to get 125.9 million rubles from federal budget to develop tourism
Photo: Pinegina (archive)

Tatarstan will be transferred a subsidy of 125.9 million rubles. The money is designed to develop tourism in 2024 in Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project, says the press service of the republic’s Ministry of Finance.

“Given established highest level of co-funding of expenditures equal to 81% (from the federal budget) and 19% (from the Tatarstan budget), the amount of co-funded expenses for the given goals in 2024 will be 29.5 million rubles,” reads the ministry’s message.

The amount of co-funded expenditures for the given goals in 2024 is 155.4 million rubles. Khakimova (archive)

It should be reminded that 3.371.087 people visited Tatarstan from January to October 2023. It is 9.300 tourists more than during the same period last year. Earlier, there was a decline in tourist traffic throughout several periods in the region.

Ayrat Nazipov

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