8.500 migration legislation violations registered in Kazan since early 2023

8.500 migration legislation violations registered in Kazan since early 2023
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov (archive)

8.512 migrations violations have been detected in Kazan since early 2023. Head of the Kazan Police Office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Ilnur Khayaliyev said this at a Business Monday briefing:

“Nowadays the police of the city detected over 8.500 migration legislation violations. There have been issued 106 rules on stay duration reduction, 912 applications for unauthorised entry have been sent. Kazan courts have issued 1.600 rules on deportation of foreigners outside the Russian Federation,” he reported.

Ilnur Khayaliyev said that 170.000 foreigners from 170 countries had visited Kazan since early 2023 — it is 12% more than last year. Nowadays there are over 42.000 citizens from other countries in the city.

The head of the Kazan Police Office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs assured the audience that there hadn’t been registered manifestations of extremisms from people arriving from other countries in the capital of Tatarstan. The crime rate among foreigners doesn’t exceed 4%.

It should be reminded that migrants working at an Ozon warehouse fought in Tatarstan in late October. A criminal case was launched afterwards.

In early November, Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov held a meeting with the Security Council and the Council for Interethnic and Interfaith Relations. He stressed the necessity of controlling the situation in the field of migration to maintain public order and security paying attention to the fact that both in the region and in some other Russian regions have quite serious situations due to an influx of foreign workers.

Rustam Minnikhanov highlighted that Tatarstan had always been ready to accept guests from other countries. Representatives of 175 nationalities live in the republic nowadays, nearly 26.000 foreigners study in its universities, colleges, schools and kindergartens.

realnoevremya.ru/Daria Pinegina (archive)

As the press service of the Tatarstan rais says, 35.700 migrants work in the republic today. Their share is 1.7% of the total number of employees. Foreigners mostly work in such fields as construction, commerce, public catering, transport and the processing industry.

After the fight, Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev held a meeting with the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ panel on counter-actions taken to combat illegal migration and stop rule breaking among foreigners. At the meeting, he paid attention to the behaviour of the country’s guests and tasked with engaging all effort and means to make sure they understand there is something more important than their habits.

Tatiana Dyomina

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