Quest, drawing comics, flash mob — TAIF-NK team turns out to be most creative at youth forum

Quest, drawing comics, flash mob — TAIF-NK team turns out to be most creative at youth forum
Photo: provided to by press service of TAIF-NK JSC

This week, the most active and creative young specialists from all large enterprises of Nizhnekamsk gathered at the KnigArt youth forum. The event, organised by the Central Library System of the city and held at the Kamsky Artek health camp, allowed participants not only to listen to lectures and communicate with writers, but also to demonstrate their talents. Thus, the creative team of TAIF-NK was recognised as the best in drawing comics. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Forum as a tool for promoting book reading

“As a member of the Republican Youth Council, I have attended such events in other cities several times and set about organising a forum in Nizhnekamsk. But I wanted to involve young people from the enterprises of the city. They have a busy schedule, they are always at work, I wanted to create such an atmosphere for them so that they could get acquainted, communicate, and, of course, enrich themselves with new knowledge," Olga Gudoshnikova, its organiser, tells about the origin of the idea of the KnigArt youth forum.

And the choice of topic was obvious.

“We, as a library, should promote book reading," she noted.

The grant helped to turn the idea into reality. The project of the youth forum became the winner of the grant competition of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Five teams showed up to participate in the forum. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

Five teams showed up to participate in the forum: TAIF-NK, SIBUR, TANECO, Nizhnekamsk CHP-1 (TGC-16) and the Central Library System team. Each team has 10 young and ambitious guys.

The event began with welcoming words. The participants were addressed by the organisers of the forum, representatives of the city administration and the enterprises they represent.

Olga Nikitina, the chairman of the board of the labour collective of TAIF-NK JSC also said the words of parting words to young specialists.

“The KnigART Forum is a new cultural event for Nizhnekamsk, which has already attracted great interest. Here, at the forum site, representatives of the younger generation gathered, who are not indifferent to the fate of their native country. You are an active, positive, creative, knowledge-seeking youth who can change the world around for the better. Today's forum gives you unique opportunities to acquire knowledge, meet new friends, meet professionals in your field and set goals for the future," she said.

Creative team of TAIF-NK was recognised as the best in drawing comics. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

TAIF-NK youth — winners

The first item in the extensive programme of the KnigArt forum was a meeting with Russian writer Bulat Khanov. Although the topic was “What young people read today”, the communication went far beyond the designated framework, turning out to be very informative and interesting.

Then the teams went on a team-building quest, which took place in the fresh air. The competitions not only united the team, but also gave the participants vivid emotions.

The next item of the programme was a master class on creating comics from writer Anatoly Ukhandeev, after which the participants were invited to create their own comics on the theme “The Mystery of the Old Book”. It was then that they were able to demonstrate all their creativity. And the experts of the forum recognised the TAIF-NK team as the best in this matter.

“You have touched upon such a topical topic today — alms. It seems to me that some kind of God's gift has descended on you. We approached the work very deeply, touched upon several educational moments at once," said Marina Minnegalieva, the chairman of the Nizhnekamsk city organisation of the Tatar Republican Organisation of the All-Russian Professional Union of Cultural Workers, handing the TAIF-NK team a well-deserved award.

According to the participants, teamwork allowed them to win. Ad of TAIF-NK JSC. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

According to the participants, teamwork allowed them to win.

“Everything went great. I was surprised by the scale: from the very morning until the evening it was a busy day. The event brought the team closer together, which is very important not only today, but also in our future work at the enterprise. During the day, we were able to find the strengths of each and skillfully used them, which led to a victorious result," said Dmitry Kleshnin, the driver of technological pumps of the fifth category of the HRCC of TAIF-NK JSC.

“I have never been to youth forums before. Everything went great, wonderful and interesting! The whole team contributed to the victory: someone answered the riddles correctly, someone was agile and fast, which is also important. The victory is common," Ramil Ginatullin, the machinist of technological pumps of the sixth category of the HRCC of TAIF-NK JSC is sure.

The leader of the TAIF-NK asset, Anna Eremeeva, noted that it is very important for young people to participate in such events.

“We have continuous production. Due to such specifics, it is very difficult to release our employees on a working weekday. Thanks to the management for finding the opportunity to send us to this forum. We are very grateful for this," she stressed.

Radifa Mingaleva

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