‘The cameras in Tatarstan aren’t able to reconstruct the picture of what happened’
A Kazan scientist has developed a unique way of providing photographic evidence of traffic code violations

A Kazan scientist has developed a unique way of providing photographic evidence of traffic code violations
A universal way of imaging violations of the Traffic Rules has been developed in Kazan. The method allows determining vehicles’ speed excess. The essence of the development that belong to senior researcher of a federal research centre of the Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yury Goryunov is that a car’s speed, its movement and time it takes to move is controlled according to indicators of sensors placed on the vehicle of the transmission module, while the change of position regarding other cars and road elements is defined by its photos.
The results are determined with the help of six pairs of photos taken accurately at the moments that are necessary to provide robust evidence. Also, the speed is measured on the basis of imaging data of vehicles suspected of violating the speed limit. The project documentation reads that the task of the invention to raise the accuracy and authenticity of changes, provide the illustration and availability to understand imaging materials and the possibility of verifying the measurement results, rule out calibration processes when measuring a vehicle’s speed. In other words, the invention could reconsider fines that were already imposed for violating traffic rules and avoid new unfairly registered violations.
However, a drawback of the method is the necessity of integrating data from the video camera and the radar to provide the operation of the whole system. In the case if video data is for some reason isn’t delivered or has a low quality (for instance, in complicated weather conditions or poor visibility), the reliability of the system’s operation falls down to complete failure.
“My invention can view a 30-metre zone and send speed meter digits”
Realnoe Vremya has talked with the creator of the invention Yury Goryunov. According to him, he has been working on the project since 2015.
“It isn’t used anywhere, I haven’t presented it anywhere simply because I have no time to do it. It is also hard to assess the price for the invention. Here the case is that there is a problem with cameras, it is seen how they show wrong information,” the scientist shared. “The cameras in Tatarstan aren’t able to reconstruct the picture of what happened, and this can be done thanks to the invention. It measures the speed and location of the car.”

According to Goryunov, Decart system has the only cameras that can more or less correctly register traffic violations. As the inventor says, its information is close to reality. The scientist explained that a camera can provide two photos with violations, which is a standard. While Tatarstan uses cameras that provide one photo with a violation, but they can show only the location of the car. As Yury Goryunov stresses, this cannot be called a capture of a violation.
“My invention can view a 30-metre zone and send speed meter digits. This method is good that it sends the data the drivers themselves see to supervisory public agencies. I have talked with Avtodoria that develops and introduces a smart transport system to provide safe road traffic, but they haven’t been interested in my project and refused further contacts,” concludes Yury Goryunov.
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