Educational and consulting points on civil defense and protection from emergencies to be created in Naberezhnye Chelny

Educational and consulting points on civil defense and protection from emergencies to be created in Naberezhnye Chelny
Photo: Kokunin (archive)

It is planned to create 29 training and consulting points on civil defense and protection from emergency situations in Naberezhnye Chelny. The city authorities have already prepared a list of addresses where they will operate. The list of institutions includes management companies, cultural, sports and youth policy institutions. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Promotion of the need for civil defense and emergency protection measures in modern conditions

The points are being created to provide advisory services to residents of Naberezhnye Chelny on training the population in the field of civil defense and protection from emergencies in the organisations that manage apartment buildings. They can also be established at libraries, cultural centres, and other social facilities most often visited by the population.

Educational and consulting points are designed for the organisation and conduct of events to prepare the population of Naberezhnye Chelny on civil defense and protection from emergencies. It is required to place them in specially designated rooms or in their parts. They are to accommodate 15-20 listeners.

There should also be a place for storing property, including educational, in the premises of educational and consulting points. It includes individual anti-chemical packages, civilian gas masks for adults and children, various respirators and fire extinguishers, household dosimeters, cotton-gauze bandages, sets of individual medical civil protection, bandages, cotton wool, and other materials for the manufacture of the simplest PPE.

Photo: Kokunin (archive)

There are no strict requirements for the organisational structure of training and consulting points. Everything will depend on “financial capabilities, the size of the serviced neighborhood and the number of people living in it.” It is expected that each point will include its head and two instructors.

There are not so many tasks before the training and consulting points — only three. Firstly, it is a consultation of citizens, therefore, a year-round weekly two-hour duty of an instructor or a supervisor is organised at each of them. Secondly, conducting propaganda and agitation events. Thirdly, the promotion of the importance and necessity of all civil defense and emergency protection measures in modern conditions.

Photo: Kokunin (archive)

It is planned to train the staff of the points in the branch of the Training and Methodological Centre for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Tatarstan. The civil defense and public protection sector of the executive committee will control their work in Naberezhnye Chelny.

Most of the training and consulting points in Naberezhnye Chelny — 24 out of 29 — are planned to be located on the basis of management organisations.

Photo: Kokunin (archive)

Naberezhnye Chelny increases number of evacuation points to 111

The work on these issues has recently been conducted in an enhanced mode, and a lot of fakes are spreading around it, which sometimes cause concern among citizens. Experts say that panic is created artificially against the background of the special military operation that began on February 24 last year. The planned works in the field of civil defense have been carried out for more than 20 years, but earlier, they could not be so openly advertised because of their strategic importance. For example, since the autumn of last year, civil defense defenses have been inventoried and put in order in the country.

Realnoe Vremya told about the plans of the Naberezhnye Chelny authorities to create evacuation points in the city. In the event of a military threat or various cataclysms, citizens will be transported through them to safer areas. They are designed to accommodate 4-5 thousand people at one point, evacuation points are located in public buildings, near boarding points for transport.

Photo: Kokunin (archive)

In June of this year, the number of evacuation points in Naberezhnye Chelny has been increased. Now there are 111 of them.

Photo: Kokunin (archive)
Tatyana Demina

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