Cemetery in Innopolis to close for burials

Cemetery in Innopolis to close for burials
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov (archive)

The executive committee of Innopolis decided to close the only urban cemetery to bury people, Realnoe Vremya found out. Now citizen will have to go to a neighbouring settlement for burials. The approximate distance is 2.3km. Read in Realnoe Vremya’s report why there was made such a decision and where to bury people now.

New site for burials

People won’t be buried at the urban cemetery in Innopolis anymore. However, there is an exception — urns are allowed to be buried in the family grave after cremation. In other cases, there will be imposed a total ban.

Information stands are going to be installed at the cemetery soon where citizens will be warned about the closure, informed about the new place and accountability for illegal burial.

The cemetery is located next to the Volga River’s bank. The area of the land is 15.089 square metres. The executive committee explained that the decision on the closure was made due to the location of the cemetery in the water protection zone of the Kyubyshev Water Reservoir.

Signing of an agreement on cooperation in burial affairs at the public cemetery of a neighbouring settlement became another reason to close the cemetery. Innopolis citizens are going to be buried there now.

The settlement is situated in Verkhny Uslon District, Tatarstan. The area of the cemetery is twice as small as the previous one — 8.653 square metres. Interestingly, it is not far from Innopolis. The distance from the old cemetery to the new one is about 2.3km.

According to the price list of one of the companies involved in burials in Innopolis, prices for funeral services in the town vary from 605 to 14.520 rubles. For instance, monuments with a cross and other basic gravestones can be ordered for several hundreds of rubles. One will have to splash out 4.500 rubles for luxury stones. VIP services will cost 10.000 rubles more.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

Population falling behind the plan

Innopolis celebrated its 11th anniversary last week. The town was founded in 2012. The Tatarstan settlement built following the example of the American Silicon Valley was to become the point of attraction for IT specialists from all over the world.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Vasily Ivanov (archive)

The population of the town was due to reach 50,000 people by 2021. However, as of December 2022, only 7.600 people lived there (around 5.000 did on a permanent basis). Innopolis authorities hope to reach the bar of at least 15.000 townspeople only by 2025.

It should also be noted that in January 2022 it became known there was a housing problem in the town. There was simply a housing deficit. Tatarstan authorities approved the start of the construction of new blocks of flats to regulate the issue.

Ayrat Nazipov

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