Rustam Minnikhanov: ‘We’re a petrochemical republic, let’s host a quality forum’
The preparation for a gas and petrochemical forum and TatOilExpo-2023 exhibition was discussed at a board meeting of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding

Tatarstan will host one of the biggest international events of Russia’s oil and sector — a gas and petrochemical forum — in late August and early September. It will become an important site for discussion for Russian and foreign enterprises of the Fuel and Energy Complex. The budget of the Tatarstan gas and oil forum was preliminarily fixed at 28 million rubles, of which 8 million are supposed to be received from the republic’s budget. The rest of the money is expected from sponsors — SIBUR, TAIF, Tatneft. This became known during the discussion of the preparation for the forum at a board meeting of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding. Read more in Realnoe Vremya’s report.
“To support the forum not only morally but also financially”
Vice Prime Minister of the republic and Minister of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan Oleg Korobchenko whose ministry is supervising the organisation of the most prestigious event in the calendar of Tatarstan’s important events reported on the preparation for the Tatarstan gas and petrochemical forum on 30 May.
As it was expected, the forum’s funding hasn’t yet been defined, while the main burden will fall on big gas, petrochemical, financial and industrial groups.
“We calculated the budget with the republic’s Ministry of Finance, it totalled 28 million rubles. 8 million rubles have been requested from the budget. I would like to ask our key companies to support the forum not only morally but also financially,” Oleg Korobchenko addressed the audience and added that it was necessary to make a proposal to raise money.

One of the key events in the sector
He offered to appoint the Regional Fund for Industry Development as the operator of the Tatarstan gas and petrochemical forum. The fund is expected to prepare the programme, accommodate attendees of the exhibition together with Kazan Expo International Exhibition Centre.
“Our task is to raise the status of the exhibition to the key event in Russia’s gas and petrochemical sector. Guests from CIS countries, managers of Russian agencies will be invited to participate. Gazprom is going to be widely represented,” the head of the Tatarstan Ministry of Industry and Trade announced.
Rais of the republic Rustam Minnikhanov asked SIBUR, TAIF and Tatneft to support the forum. He tasked Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin to make a decision on allocating republican money.
“We’re a petrochemical republic, let’s host a quality forum,” Rustam Minnikhanov set a task.
30 million rubles were allocated to host the forum last year, moreover, a considerable part of this amount was provided by sponsors.

About oil production in complicated areas and air purification in metro
The Tatarstan gas and petrochemical forum is one of the biggest international events in Russia’s oil and gas sector. This year it is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of industrial oil production in the republic. And according to Korobchenko, there are all prerequisites to make this Tatarstan forum federal. It will be held at Kazan Expo from 31 August to 2 September, and a busy business programme, supplier day of leaders of the oil and gas market and TatOilExpo-2023 international exhibition awaits the participants during these three days. Expositions of leading specialists of Russia and Central Asia’s gas and petrochemical sector will be represented at the forum. It will gather producers and suppliers of gas and oil equipment, oil corporations and holdings, oil and gas producers and processors, oil service and geological exploration providers.
Also, attendees of the meeting considered a number of innovative projects. Vice Director of Kazan Federal University’s Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies Vladislav Sudakov talked about new geochemical methods for worsening oil reserves. The specialists are developing profitable methods of increasing oil yield at complicated oil fields, while large oil companies are testing AI technologies to look for missed oil deposits.

The Tatarstan rais noted that the republic was doing a big job on creating a higher school of oil in Almetyevsk, he recommended uniting the scientific potential of Tatarstan Oil Industry Research and Design Institute and Kazan Federal University.
Head of Krezol from Bashkiria Bulat Baymetov reported on import substitution of the hydraulic fracturing fleet. The Russian pump can be fully equipped with Russian spare parts, he assured the audience.
Co-founder of Yatagan/CET engineering Valery Reshetnyak talked about air purification systems. According to him, the devices can be used in different sectors — from petrochemistry and treatment facilities to agriculture and food establishments. In particular, the Moscow metro could be equipped with them.
By the way, there was raised an issue of air pollution in Kazan.
“There are different versions,” noted Rustam Minnikhanov, “but everything is likely coming from treatment facilities.” The rais of the republic made an assumption when commenting on residents of Rainbow residential complex for bad smells.
Founder of IT-Intego firm from Krasnodar Marina Korenkova talked about Russian sensor reading collection controllers. The equipment will allow reducing the idle time of oil and gas equipment thanks to early failure detection.
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