Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan to invest 2bn rubles in river transportation

Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan to invest 2bn rubles in river transportation
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov (archive)

The Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan joint-stock company has been founded in Kazan — Tatarstan holds 100% of its authorised capital. The decree on the creation of the company is signed by the region’s Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin.

Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan is created to develop passenger transportation using domestic river transport. The idea of its creation was suggested by the region’s Ministry of Road and Transport and Ministry of Land and Property.

The Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers tasked the latter to make sure necessary organisational measures were taken to create the company and make a payment on behalf of the republic from the budget as budget investments in the authorised capital. The amount will be 2 billion rubles.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov (archive)

Realnoe Vremya has sent requests to the Tatarstan Ministry of Road and Ministry of Land and Property.

This year, two big Tatarstan river transport companies — Tatflot Ship Company and Naberezhnye Chelny Non-Metallic Production Association — have been recognised as winners of a competition for the right to operate passenger trips. Despite growing passenger traffic inside the republic, the companies aren’t yet ready to buy new ships to update their own fleet.

It should be reminded that Tatarstan will allocate 20 billion rubles every year to maintain internal river routes and berth areas. This area of expenditure was among priority adaptation measures to climate change in the transport complex in the republic.

Tatiana Dyomina

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