Youth media centre to be created in Tatarstan

Youth media centre to be created in Tatarstan
Photo: Nazmetdinov (archive)

As Realnoe Vremya found out, a Youth media centre is going to appear in Tatarstan, which will provide coverage and promotion of projects of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan in the information space. It is planned that 8 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes, of which 1,5 million will be allocated to the republican, and 6,5 million to the federal budget. The work on the implementation of the project will be carried out in several stages, the last one will be completed on December 15.

Projects of Ministry of Youth Affairs are implemented by a community of authors

To promote events, projects and programmes of the ministry, as well as to develop youth media communities of public organisations and educational institutions of the republic, the performer will have to provide a whole range of services.

First of all, the contractor will have to find a platform where the community of authors created by him will develop their competencies, share experience, and implement joint projects. All their activities will be covered in a continuous format, and at the same time, they will work out information occasions of regional and federal scale.

The content created and broadcast by the media center will contain: creative and reporting videos, weekly digests of youth events, as well as photo projects and photo reports from events. To achieve high coverage, the performer will work with bloggers, content makers, leaders of school and teen publications, representatives of student media, participants of media services of youth organisations, including enterprises, with young specialists of district, city and republican media and others.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

A team will work on the promotion of the content

As mentioned above, the work of the media centre will be carried out in several stages:

  • The first — from the date of conclusion of the contract to June 30.
  • The second — from July 1 to September 30.
  • The third — from October 1 to December 15.

At each stage, a whole team will work, which will include: a project manager, a producer, an SMM specialist, and a creative manager. Besides, the work of photographers and videographers, correspondents, as well as designers who will create mock-ups of presentations will be organised. All of them will be paid a salary that will grow with each of the stages.

Also, a shooting studio will be provided for each period. Specialists will spend 8 hours a day in its walls. The preliminary cost of one hour will be 1,8 thousand rubles. In addition, they rent all the necessary equipment for filming, starting from lights and ending with buttonhole microphones. It is planned to spend a little more than 776 thousand rubles for these purposes.

Advertising from the media centre on billboards, in magazines and on TV

Separate budgets are also planned for advertising by bloggers (17 advertising posts in their social media accounts), in an online magazine (the total audience must be at least 2,5 million readers), as well as on television. As for the latter, according to the project documentation, it will be a regional TV channel “Tatarstan 24", where at least three programmes should be released during one stage.

It is worth noting that advertising will also be distributed using targeting in VKontakte, as well as advertising banners in the metro (the stations Tukay Square, Kozya Sloboda, Sukonnaya Sloboda, Prospekt Pobedy).

With the transition to the second stage, advertising will be distributed through city banners, billboards and pillars in the immediate vicinity of the most popular hiking routes of students of the KFU, KNRTU, KNRTU-KAI, KSPEU. However, in this case we are talking only about events.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

Tatarstan is recognised as a leader in the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy in 2022

Let us remind that at the end of March it was reported that Tatarstan was recognised as the leader in the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy in 2022 in a group of regions where the number of young people exceeds half a million people.

Leningrad Oblast is the second in the group, Volgograd Oblast is the third. The top 10 also includes Rostov Oblast, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Krai, Orenburg Oblast, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Dagestan, and Altai Krai.

At the beginning of the same month, speaking at the board meeting of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan, the rais of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov, drew attention to that youth policy has always been and remains a priority in the region. According to him, today the university community plays a special role in the education of young citizens. As Minnikhanov noted, it is impossible to allow formalism in the issue of working with students. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Photo: Platonov (archive)
Maksim Kokunin

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