‘The register of startups of Tatarstan will be created in the coming months’: Khayrullin performs Shadaev's ‘wish’

‘The register of startups of Tatarstan will be created in the coming months’: Khayrullin performs Shadaev's ‘wish’
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

As Realnoe Vremya found out, Tatarstan is going to approve the procedure for forming and maintaining a register of startups in the field of information and communication technologies. The creation of such registers was announced in October 2022 by the Russian Ministry of Finance — to provide a respite for startup employees from partial mobilisation.

“Currently, we have passed the approval of regulatory legal acts from the Ministry of Finance of Russia”

The Republican Ministry of Finance will form and maintain the register of startups in electronic form. To get there, the organisation must submit an application to the appropriate section of the platform “My subsidies”, which is still under development. In the document, the startup will have to indicate the name, TIN, code of the type of economic activity, the date of registration, the amount of income received since the establishment of the organisation, contacts, as well as provide a presentation with information about the business model, team competencies, competitors and advantages over them, projects operating and under development, products and services. The application is considered within 10 working days from the date of its submission.

A startup may be refused inclusion in the register if there are the following reasons:

  • inconsistency of the organisation with the classes of the All-Russian classifier of economic activities: 62 — “Development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services”, and 63 — “Activities in the field of information technology”;
  • registration of an organisation outside Tatarstan;
  • exceeding the registration period of the organisation, which is more than three years from the date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the establishment of the organisation;
  • exceeding the amount of income in a million rubles since the establishment of the organisation.
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

If a startup gets into the registry, it may be excluded if one or more conditions are identified:

  • exceeding the registration period of the organisation, which is more than three years from the date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • exceeding the amount of income in a million rubles since the establishment of the organisation.
  • entering into the Unified State Register of Information on the termination of the organisation's activities;
  • direct participation of Russia, a subject or a municipality in the activities of the organisation, if the share of such participation is more than 50%. The exceptions are state and municipal budgetary, autonomous and state-owned institutions, as well as autonomous non-profit organisations;
  • entry into force of a court decision on the recognition of an organisation as bankrupt;
  • change of legal address and registration outside Tatarstan;
  • changing the main type of activity to non-IT related activities;
  • the person holding the position of the sole executive body of the organisation has an outstanding criminal record.

It is noted that the organisation has the right to resubmit the application after eliminating the reasons for which it was denied its satisfaction. The register is updated annually, until April 1.

The Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan informed Realnoe Vremya that registers of startups are being created in the regions of Russia in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1729 “On approval of the Regulations on state accreditation of Russian organisations operating in the field of information technology” dated September 30, 2022.

“The register of startups in the Republic of Tatarstan will be created in the coming months. The Ministry of Digital Development of the Republic of Tatarstan is responsible for this work. Currently, we have passed the approval of regulatory legal acts from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and within two weeks we are waiting for approval from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the press service of the Ministry reported.

“We would like to somehow make sure that companies are really ready to create projects in IT”

The head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Maksut Shadaev, spoke about the creation of registers of startups in the regions more than five months ago — in early October 2022. According to him, the ministry will ask the authorities to do this within one to two months.

According to the idea, such registers are needed so that employees of organisations can apply for a deferral from partial mobilisation. At the time of Shadaev's statement, the list was created only in Moscow.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

“We would like to somehow make sure that companies are really ready to create projects in IT," he added.

According to ComNews, such registries have not been created anywhere after almost six months. For example, in Belgorod Oblast, it was reported that the Ministry of Finance of Russia did not receive methodological recommendations and information on further regulation of the issue of providing support measures for startups.

“In case of identification of the need to expand regional measures to support IT organisations, the government of Belgorod Oblast will consider the creation of a regional register of startups," said the representative of the Ministry of Digital Development of Belgorod Oblast. This was also reported in Krasnoyarsk Krai.

Meanwhile, Shadaev clarified in early February that the creation of such a register is a right, but not an obligation of a subject of the Federation.

Daria Pinegina

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