Dynamics of retail trade turnover in Tatarstan in 2022: minimum observed in January, maximum — in December

By the results of 2022, the retail trade turnover in Tatarstan amounted to 1,2 trillion rubles, and if compared with 2021, it has fallen by 3,1%. For example, tobacco products, food and beverages were sold at retail last year in the amount of 566,8 million rubles. The sales figure for non-food products amounted to 649,4 million rubles. There are 304 thousand rubles per one resident of Tatarstan per year. Read more about the structure of retail trade in the republic in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Dynamics of retail trade turnover
According to statistics, the dynamics of retail trade turnover in January amounted to 91,5 million. In February, this indicator rose to 92,7%. In March, it became even higher and reached 103,9 million. The maximum value of this indicator was observed in December — 115,1 million. Analysts recorded the lowest value just in January. At the end of 2022, the dynamics of retail trade turnover amounted to 115,1 million.
Dynamics of retail trade turnover by the results of 2022:
- January — 91,1 million;
- February — 92,3 million;
- March — 103,1 million;
- April — 95 million;
- May — 98 million;
- June — 101,2 million;
- July — 103,1 million;
- August — 106,2 million;
- September — 103,6 million;
- October — 103,1 million;
- November — 103,8 million;
- December — 115,2 million.

Dynamics of retail food trade turnover
According to the results of 2022, there have also been changes in this segment of trade. Again, mostly positive. In the period from January to December 2022, retail trade turnover by 92,3% was formed by individual entrepreneurs and trading organisations that operate in a stationary retail network — the share of markets in retail trade turnover is 7,7%. By the results of the year, the retail trade turnover in this segment of trade amounted to 566,8 million.
Dynamics of retail trade turnover in food, beverages, tobacco products and non-food products by the end of 2022:
- January — 39,5 million;
- February — 39,7 million;
- March — 45,6 million;
- April — 45,3 million;
- May — 47,7 million;
- June — 48,9 million;
- July — 49,1 million;
- August — 49,1 million;
- September — 47,9 million;
- October — 49,2 million;
- November — 48,9 million;
- December — 56 million.

Retailers' commodity stocks also showed their dynamics
As for inventories, at the beginning of 2022 there were 62,2 million rubles. In February, this value rose to 63,1 million. The minimum value was observed in August — 61,2 million. In March, the figures were 65,9 million. In April, the value of commodity stocks dropped to 61,3 million. At the end of last year, it reached 62,2 million:
- January — 62,2 million;
- February — 63,1 million;
- March — 65,5 million;
- April — 61,2 million;
- May — 62,6 million;
- June — 61,7 million;
- July — 62,3 million;
- August — 61 million;
- September — 61,8 million;
- October — 63,4 million;
- November — 65,6 million;
- December — 62,6 million.

Volatile retail industry
On January 24, it was reported that retail trade turnover in Tatarstan in the period from 2023 to 2025 in comparable prices would grow by 3,4% on average. In the budget forecast of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2023-2034, it was noted that the main factors of productive work in the field of retail trade are the following: restrained dynamics of inflation, growth of monetary incomes of the population, an increase in the output of competitive products by domestic enterprises that meet the consumer requirements of the population. It was also noted that the Tatarstan authorities forecast an increase in retail trade turnover in the region at comparable prices in the period from 2026 to 2034 at the level of 3,5%.
On January 1, Rosstat estimated that at the end of January-November 2022 retail trade turnover in Tatarstan amounted to 1,1 trillion rubles. Compared to the same period of 2021, it decreased by 2,4% in comparable prices. It was also noted that last year the retail trade turnover in Tatarstan for 11 months was the largest among the regions of the Volga Federal District.
In December 2022, the deputy head of the executive committee of the city, Ildar Shakirov, at the 19th session of Kazgorduma of the IV convocation, reported that in Kazan, according to the results of January-September 2022, retail trade turnover was fixed at around 502 billion rubles. It was noted that this is by 4% lower than the same period in 2021. Shakirov also noted that by 2025 the retail trade turnover in Kazan will reach the value of 884,1 billion rubles.
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