‘Tatarstan offered good opportunities’ — how Innopolis poaches a software developer from Moscow City

‘Tatarstan offered good opportunities’ — how Innopolis poaches a software developer from Moscow City
Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

The Russian software developer in the field of big data, Smart Analytics Rus, has moved its business from Moscow to Tatarstan. Having located in Innopolis, the new resident of the special economic zone launched a platform for data collection and transformation — Smart Data Hub, which is already used by a number of companies. Why the developer decided to move from the office in Moscow City to the Tatarstan city, what plans the company has for development in our republic — more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Federal benefits have coreved the needs

The well-known Russian software developer in the field of big data for marketing and product analytics — Smart Analyst Rus — has started to work from Tatarstan since recently. The company, which has been developing in the IT services market for 10 years, was founded by marketer Igor Kuzin, who also became its CEO.

Recently, the software solutions provider has launched the Smart Data Hub data collection and transformation platform. Kuzmin's colleagues, Nikolay Nikonov and Igor Kerzelli, became co-owners of the company. In addition to the development of computer software, the field of activity of the IT company includes 18 other types, including conducting market research and public opinion research, as well as professional, scientific and technical activities.

Not so long ago, the head office of the IT company was located in one of the towers of Moscow City. Last October, the capital's developers of digital products settled in the technopark named after Popov in Innopolis and, accordingly, changed the region of registration from the Russian capital to Tatarstan.

“Tatarstan offers good business opportunities, including special tax conditions for IT companies. The infrastructure, opportunities and working conditions in Innopolis are really favourable. Besides, there are ample opportunities to attract investment. But in reality, we could not take advantage of tax benefits, because we are an accredited company from the Ministry of Digital Development, and federal tax benefits cover our needs," its owner Igor Kuzin shared with Realnoe Vremya the reasons for changing the location of his company.

Helping save on advertising costs

Today, when foreign companies in the field of information technology have left the Russian market, especially close attention is focused on the industry. The development of domestic IT solutions comes to the fore.

The Smart Data Hub resource has become the company's flagship project. In the summer of 2022, Kuzin's startup became one of the finalists of the MIPT Phystech.Start business accelerator, having won in the nomination “The most investment-attractive project”.

The created platform, according to the developer, collects, processes the data necessary for business from more than 100 sources, and then analyses them using artificial intelligence: “First of all, this is a platform for marketers who, with our help, build their analytics in such a way that it allows them to save on advertising costs. And not only to save, but to bring the company more profit for the same money," Kuzin explained the essence of the development.

Among those who have already evaluated its effectiveness and use it to solve various business problems, there are large car dealers, air carriers, an international consulting company, Roskachestvo, the Higher School of Economics, a number of Russian logistics companies and other enterprises of various sectors of the economy.

“Already now we have about 1,500 users, but there are no users from Tatarstan yet. But we really hope that they will definitely be there. Today we are also working with RNKB Bank, which is among the top 30 largest in Russia, and we plan to launch pilots with Beeline and VTB," the software developer shared their plans.

The company has focused on the domestic market, but in the near future it intends to enter foreign markets with its product — the countries of the East and South America.

The founder of the company has the role of CEO in it, in addition, Kuzin is the head of the analytics programmes of the HSE Center for the Development of Competencies in Marketing. Igor Kerzelli heads the customer support unit, in addition, he also lectures at the HSE, and Nikolay Nikonov is responsible for the product and coordinates the work of the development team.

From advertising business to IT

Igor Kuzin has been in the field of marketing for more than 15 years, more than half of which he devoted to issues and product development for the field of marketing analytics, and also headed the marketing and analytics agency. His portfolio includes projects with the Administration of the President of Russia, TASS, Russian Railways, publishing houses and financial institutions, and a number of other Russian and foreign companies. Over the years, the marketer was the head and founder of six other organisations, including the Moscow Media Group advertising agency, but in 2018 he decided to fully focus on IT.

In May 2021, Smart Analytics Rus registered its first trademark, Smart Analyzer, with the Federal Intellectual Property Service. Just a couple of weeks ago, Igor Kuzin submitted an application to Rospatent for registration of the new trademark — product — SMART Data Hub. In the meantime, the company is focused on expanding the capabilities of its offspring:

“Now we are working on automating analytical operations based on artificial intelligence, which are currently done manually. This area is actively developing and opens up new opportunities for automating a variety of analytical processes — from data collection to visualisation," Kuzin said.

Judging by the financial results, in 2021 the company showed revenue of 25 million rubles.

Angelina Panchenko

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