‘It can become a new oil’: Tatarstan claims to produce chips, but only with government support

The domestic production of microprocessors will appear in Tatarstan if the Russian government helps with financing the purchase of technologies. This was told by Minister of Digital Development of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of Tatarstan Ayrat Khayrullin at the final board meeting of the department on 25 January.
“Tatarstan has competencies for the development of microprocessors, chips, but the necessary technologies are expensive — from 3 to 5 billion dollars. With the approval and financial support of the government of the Russian Federation, these technologies can be attracted to Tatarstan, it can become a new oil," he said.

Let us remind that in November, ICL-KPO VS CEO, Evgeny Stepanov, announced that ICL would open the production of motherboards in the third quarter of 2023.
“In the first quarter of 2023, an assembly plant will be opened, in the third quarter — the production of motherboards," he said, answering the question of the president of Tatarstan about the launch date of the motherboard plant in Laishevo.
The plant for the production of up to 1 million products a year is being built on a site in Laishevo, included this year in Innopolis SEZ. The total volume of investments in the joint project of Innopolis and ICL group of companies amounts to 2 billion rubles, Evgeny Stepanov stated.
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