Rustam Minnikhanov urges Prosecutor’s office of Tatarstan to ‘act decisively’ when identifying fakes about special operation

The president of Tatarstan called on the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tatarstan to act decisively when identifying false information on the Internet aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and authorities. He has also instructed to stop calls for extremist activity. The statement was made at an expanded meeting of the board of the supervisory authority.

Besides, the head of the republic stressed that during the special operation it is necessary to continue purposeful work to strengthen supervision over the implementation of legislation regulating the maintenance and operation of protective structures of civil defense. Currently, there is a substantial fund of structures in the republic — 1,091 objects, of which 673 units are ready for reception.

“The prosecutor's office should keep this issue under control," Minnikhanov addressed the participants of the board.

Let us remind that a month ago, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia told about the removal or blocking of 125 thousand fakes about the special military operation in Ukraine. As noted in the supervisory authority, for 11 months of last year, its employees sent 1,630 demands to Roskomnadzor to restrict access to unreliable socially significant information.

Ayrat Nazipov

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