Kazan IT specialists’ business mission to go to Iran

“Successful start and accelerated development”

As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, the IT Park in Kazan will prepare a business mission to Tehran for 2,8 million rubles. Its participants will be the finalists of the acceleration programme “School of Digital Champions”, who will meet with potential Iranian partners in B2B format.

The aim of the mission is to “successfully launch and accelerate the development of exports in the markets” of Iran. Fifteen people will be selected for its implementation, with each of whom personal meetings will be held to determine their readiness to enter the target market.

Experts will evaluate their capabilities in the field of marketing and promotion, as well as financial capabilities and human resources.

Economy class, hotels from 3 stars

For the participants, they will buy air tickets to Kazan-Moscow-Tehran and back. It is worth noting that the following items are a mandatory requirement for tickets: economy class, return, permissible number of transfers — no more than one, without insurance, without the right to choose a seat, without meals and without other additional services.

After arriving in Tehran, participants will be accommodated in a hotel that must have at least three stars. Single rooms will be provided for each representative of the mission (the room area must be at least 18 sq. m, of which the living area is at least 14 sq. m).

Before holding a meeting with potential partners, the mission participants will hold a meeting with experts from the target market country on specific business issues. After that, they will meet with representatives of Iranian business to present their projects to them.

Earlier, the IT Park held similar events in Singapore, which actively cooperated with Tatarstan. Delegations from the republic have repeatedly participated in the Russian-Singapore Economic Forum. Besides, a number of leading companies in the region, including Tatneft, arranged similar business missions to the island state back in the early 2000s. In turn, the delegation of Singapore visited the IT Park more than once, for example, in 2013.

However, with the appearance of the list of “unfriendly countries”, in which Singapore also appeared, such business missions ceased.

Maksim Kokunin

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