Developers in Tatarstan obliged to install electric car charging points near buildings

In Tatarstan, developers must install charging service infrastructure for electric vehicles. The decree has been signed by Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin.
Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles must be provided for during the construction and reconstruction of houses. Electric filling stations must be located near residential premises, public business, industrial zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones, and road network.

It is also recommended that developers provide parking spaces for electric vehicles equipped with appropriate infrastructure — they should be at least 5% of the total number of places.
At the end of June, Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin signed a decree, according to which entrepreneurs will be able to receive subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with the purchase of charging for electric vehicles. Payments will be allocated from the republican budget.
Let us remind that the sales of electric vehicles with mileage increased by 141,67% in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 in Tatarstan. The average cost of such electric cars in the republic reaches almost 1,2 million rubles.
Nissan Leaf turned out to be the best-selling model. It accounted for 51,72% of all used electric vehicles sold in Tatarstan in April-June. The average price of a car is 650 thousand rubles.
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