Tatarstan to create website dedicated to 1100th anniversary of adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria

Tatarstan to create website dedicated to 1100th anniversary of adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria

Tatarstan to create website dedicated to 1100th anniversary of adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria
Photo: (archive)

From news to analysis of the state and development of Muslim infrastructure

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the Tatarstan Ministry of Culture started to look for a developer of a website dedicated to the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria — the jubilee is celebrated this year. 10 million rubles are ready to be paid for the creation, support and promotion from the republican budget.

The website is created to cover the events dedicated to the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria on the Internet. The events began as early as January both in Tatarstan in other Russia, including in Moscow.

With the help with the website, it is planned to get the public acquainted with the history of Islam in Russia. The propaganda of “traditional spiritual values and intellectual heritage of Russian Muslims” and “realisation of the history and culture of the peoples of Middle Volga Region since the 10th century until now in the light of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria” are another goal. The website is also designed to attract Russian Muslims to the workmanship and Russian events related to the celebration of the jubilee.

Less than a month is given to develop the website. During 20 days after the contract is signed, the development must present the Tatarstan Culture Ministry the end product containing four sections. Firstly, a mass media section with news, interviews, press releases, post realises, photos and videos. The website already must have 10 news, three photo reports and one video by the release time.

The second section is historical and cultural. It must be information about the history of Islam in Eastern Europe — from the era of the Khazar Kaganate to the Soviet period — and contemporary Islamic culture of Russia’s Muslim ethnicities.

The third section will be devoted to international publications about the cooperation between Russia, including Tatarstan and other regions, and foreign countries and organisations of the Islamic world in economic, educational and cultural spheres. Also, one can find information about the life of our famous Muslim compatriots outside Russia and the Islamic heritage of Russian Muslims abroad.

The fourth section will contain information about Islam and Islamic studies in contemporary Russia. Readers can get familiarised themselves with contemporary Russian Islamic studies, leading scientists and results of their research, especially the study of the Islamic religious heritage of Russian peoples. Publications in the fourth section will be both about the realisation of the experience of Russia and its regions in the development of Islamic institutes in the post-Soviet period. There will also be published notes about discussions and round-table talks with renowned experts in Islamic studies, Muslim businesspeople, religious clerics, bloggers. In addition, there will be raised topical issues of the country’s Muslim community about the modern role of Islam in the life of Russian peoples.

Perhaps, the fourth section will be the most informative one. Besides the above mentioned information, an entire unit will be dedicated to the analysis of the state and development of Muslim infrastructure — halal food and leisure for Muslims, the activity of Muslim educational institutions and Muslim media. Publications and reviews of well-known Muslim bloggers are going to be posted too.

The contractor’s duties don’t limit to the creation of the website. Until the end of the contract term — 31 December 2022, it must organise and hold at least one round-table talk on the territory of each of 43 Tatarstan districts and two urban districts — Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. They must be held in the capital of neighbouring Bashkiria Ufa as well as Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Makhachkala.

The celebration of 1100th anniversary of adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria started in January

It should be reminded that the celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria in Tatarstan started in January 2022. The Russian Muslim Forum where Tuganbatyr national project was presented was the first event dedicated to the jubilee. Then, a manuscript mushaf of the Noble Quran started to be created.

After Tatarstan, the central region joined the celebration of the date that is important for the Islamic world. In January, the Moscow Cathedral Mosque hosted the 7th Russian annual conference the Shigabutdin Marjani Readings on Russia’s Islam: Realisation of Centuries-Old Experience of Russian Muslims. In May, an exhibition by the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria opened in the State Duma.

The plan for events by the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria was confirmed a month after the first event dedicated to this data, in February. It includes 79 events — from concerts and plays to the establishment of a memorable medal.

Key festivities took place in Tatarstan in May. A memorable stone of the Cathedral Mosque was laid in Kazan instead of a demolished Kyrlay amusement park.

Festivities took place in Bolgar in May too — the Great Bolgar Congress. One of the many meetings of the organising committee of the organisation of the celebration of the 1100thanniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria chaired by Russian Vice Premier Marat Khusnullin was held there. A solemn stamp cancellation ceremony in honour of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria was held there.

Tatiana Dyomina

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