Admission campaign in Kazan universities: growing demand for IT and technical and technological directions

Kazan universities have summed up the preliminary results of accepting applications from graduates

Admission campaign in Kazan universities: growing demand for IT and technical and technological directions

Russian universities are now completing the acceptance of applications from graduates for the first year. With the results of the Unified State Exam, each graduate has the right to apply to five universities at once, choosing up to 10 directions in each of them. Meanwhile, the admissions committee of the Kazan Federal University last week enrolled 65 foreign students in various faculties. Since September, citizens of African countries — Lebanon, Nigeria, Congo, Guinea; natives of Indonesia, Vietnam, as well as Syrians and Palestinians will start studying at the university. If residents of African countries prefer to study various medical specialties, then Indonesians choose oil and gas business, and one resident of Japan decided to devote his studies at the KFU to studying the culture of countries and regions of the world. Realnoe Vremya found out about which specialties applicants prefer this year and how much the number of applications from them has increased compared to last year in Kazan universities.

KNRTU has an interest in petrochemistry and IT technologies

The Kazan National Research Technological University has accepted applications from yesterday's schoolchildren by 5% more than last year: more than 26 thousand applications have already been submitted to the KNRTU. According to the university, “the numbers are growing every hour — today is the final admission to full-time budget form of education.

Out of the total number of applications submitted for budget places, the Kazan National Research Technological University will enroll 2,018 students this year — this is the budget admission plan. According to the press service of the KNRTU, traditionally, areas related to petrochemistry and IT technologies are in high demand among applicants.

This year, Kazan University together with the Beijing University of Chemical Technology will launch training under the new programme “Technology and Polymer Processing”. Almost 150 budget places have been allocated for this purpose. Within its framework, after the successful completion of the first two courses, students will have the opportunity continue their further studies at the Beijing University, take an internship at Chinese enterprises, at the same time improve their English, since the training will be conducted in it, and at the same time learn Chinese. The joint project, the university notes, has noticeably increased the interest of school graduates in the Polymer Institute, which is part of the KNRTU, which is recruiting for this Russian-Chinese double degree programme.

Technical specialties are a priority

“It is worth noting," they say in the admissions committee of the university, “compared with 2021, the number of applications from applicants has increased significantly. Then about 25 thousand of them were submitted.

In 2021, about 1,8 thousand people (state-funded and commercial forms) took bachelor's degree at the KNRTU, about 760 took master's degree. In the same year, the number of budget places here is almost 1,490 — this is a bachelor's degree and a specialty, more than 840 places are intended for those who enter the master's programme, 255 — for secondary vocational education, 85 — for postgraduate scientific specialties.

Among the educational directions this year, IT-related specialties are in the leaders, for example: “Information Security” and “Software Engineering”. Also, the KNRTU admissions committee notes, the competition for “Aircraft Construction” is high. The specialties “Materials Science and Materials Technology”, “Laser and Additive Technologies”, “Innovation” and “Management in Technical Systems” are popular.

Number of first-year students will grow at Kazan Power Engineering University

The applicants submitted the most applications for such areas of the university as “Electric Power and Electrical Engineering”, “Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering”, as well as IT-directions.

In addition to Russians, the Kazan State Power Engineering University accepts foreigners for training. As of July 25, 200 applications have been received from citizens of various states (Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Colombia, Egypt, Haiti, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lugansk People's Republic, Morocco, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Equatorial Guinea, Vietnam).

In the Kazan State Power Engineering University, the number of budget places barely exceeds half a thousand

As of July 23, school graduates submitted 9,245 applications to the admissions committee of the Medical University of Kazan (specialty and master's degree combined), the press service of the university informed our publication.

The total number of state-funded places for admission to the first year of the Kazan State Power Engineering University this academic year is 525, the most places for the specialty “Medicine” — 190, followed by “Pediatrics” — 120, and the medical and preventive direction — 50 places. Another 500 places in the Tatarstan medical university are intended for admission of applicants on a paid basis.

KFU has decided on foreign applicants

The largest university in Kazan — the KFU completed accepting applications from foreign applicants last week and issued an order signed by Acting Rector Dmitry Tayursky on enrolling 65 people in budget places in their chosen specialties in various departments of the university. Most of all foreign citizens, 12 people, mainly from African countries, have been enrolled to the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, where they will study “Medical Science”.

Also among the applicants, there are citizens of Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, Syria, India, Morocco, Colombia, Venezuela and other countries of the world. They are interested in applied sciences — mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology and others, as well as humanities — pedagogy, linguistics, international relations and others. Besdies, more than 110 foreigners have been admitted to various institutes of the KFU on a contractual basis.

Angelina Panchenko

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