Economics and management — most popular specialties in Kazan universities

The most popular specialties in Kazan universities are economics and management, education and pedagogy, computer science and law. More than 20 thousand budget places will be available for the new academic year. Last year, there were only 17 thousand, the deputy head of the executive committee of the city, Guzel Sagitova, told on Business Monday.

217 budget places have been allocated to commercial universities, including TISBI and Innopolis. Most of the budget places are allocated for engineering specialties and pedagogy, including mechanical engineering, service and tourism, construction equipment and healthcare. The executive committee considers it especially valuable for Kazan “as an industrial city” to increase the limits of budget places in engineering and technological specialties.

This year, 165 thousand students have studied at Kazan universities and colleges. The share of Kazan students has also increased in the 2021/2022 academic year — from 42,8 to 60 thousand, but nonresident students are 1,5 times more — 83 thousand. In 2021, 46,3 thousand first-year students were enrolled.

This year, enrollment for the Unified State Exam will be held from August 2 to August 8, 2022. Internal examinations and a special quota are provided for applicants from the self-proclaimed republics of the DPR and LPR.

Let us remind that the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has distributed 590,101 budget places among the country's universities for the 2023/2024 academic year. More than 70% of them are given to regional universities.

Engineering and technical areas of training received the largest number — 245 thousand places. More than 75 thousand budget places have been allocated for pedagogical specialties, over 68 thousand — for public, more than 53 thousand — for medical.

Sergey Afanasyev

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