TAIF-NK: key investments — in personnel

Today, many labour collectives have forgotten what additional medical care is, a preferential ticket to a sanatorium or a children's camp. For TAIF-NK JSC, welfare, social security of employees and their families is the most important principle of work. The company provides a package of social benefits and guarantees. The obligations to ensure them are enshrined in the collective agreement. About the fundamental concern for the people of work — in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

An important factor of a successful business

Employee health and safety TAIF-NK JSC has always been and remains among the core values of the company. The company developed a corporate system of health protection and disease prevention, which also includes an annual medical examination.

“Periodic medical examination is a survey that is carried out once a year to track changes in the health status of employees, to identify emerging occupational diseases or the impact of harmful working conditions on a person. TAIF-NK employees have a fairly wide list of examinations," says Viktor Patrushenko, the deputy director general of the Clinic of Restorative Medicine PLC.

Employees of TAIF-NK JSC undergo a medical examination in an equipped medical centre according to a certain schedule so as not to create queues. The company's employees are examined by an otolaryngologist, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist-narcologist, dermatologist, therapist, dentist and oculist. In each office, specialists conduct questionnaires, are interested in general well-being, ask about complaints, symptoms, previous and chronic diseases.

Ophthalmologist Olga Usova emphasises that eyesight diagnostics should be carried out once a year, even if nothing bothers the patient. Only in this case it is possible to detect eye diseases in time and take them under control in a timely manner.

“With the right correction or treatment, the progression of diseases can not only be slowed down, but also completely stopped! The effect will depend on the stage at which the development of visual impairment or pathology of the eye began treatment," emphasises Olga Usova.

In addition to the examination of doctors, employees of TAIF-NK JSC must pass a general blood test and biochemistry, take an electrocardiogram of the heart and undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. According to the collective agreement adopted at the enterprise, women are additionally examined by a gynecologist and a mammologist.

In total, 3,664 employees of the company will undergo a medical examination in 2022.

“TAIF-NK is a rather prestigious place of work, so people are willing to come for a medical examination. They want to be healthy. The medical examination takes place in a well-equipped medical centre. Within two hours, we conduct a quality inspection, give out the results and the necessary recommendations. I would like to note that the TAIF-NK team is healthy, and all because the staff passes a medical examination in a timely and high-quality manner," emphasises Viktor Patrushenko, the deputy director general of the Clinic of Restorative Medicine PLC.

Not only doctors, but also employees of the oil refinery, who are happy to come to the examination, speak about the high organisation of the medical examination.

“The medical staff works perfectly. All doctors are courteous, carefully examine, give recommendations. Thank you very much," Maksm Shevel, operator of processing units of the TAIF-NK HRCC notes.

His colleague, the master of the RMC ZB of TAIF-NK JSC, Raynur Kasimov, agrees with him:

“I have been working at the company for 17 years and every year I undergo a medical examination. I will not go to the hospital myself — there is no time, but here you can be examined by highly qualified specialists at a time and find out about your diseases. I am very satisfied.

By the way, employees of TAIF-NK JSC can improve their health and improve their well-being in their own salt room. It is located right on the territory of the enterprise. According to experts, halotherapy treats ENT diseases, allergies, hypertension, joint diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system, as well as headaches and even stress.

“I come to the salt room about once every 10 days. There is a very calm atmosphere here, pleasant music plays. After a working day, it helps to relieve fatigue. After a 40-minute session, it even feels easier to breathe," says Bulat Shaykhutdinov, operator of processing units of the gasoline plant of TAIF-NK JSC.

Best health resorts of Tatarstan

Taking care of the health of its employees, TAIF-NK JSC implements a voluntary health insurance programme, under which employees can receive qualified medical care throughout the Republic of Tatarstan.

“The health of employees is one of the main priorities of the enterprise and a prerequisite for maintaining a continuous and high quality workflow. The company allocates significant funds for medical care, voluntary medical insurance, sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of children of employees in children's camps of Nizhnekamsk district and the Republic of Tatarstan," says Rinat Kurmatov, the head of the Labour Protection Service of TAIF-NK JSC.

With preferential vouchers, employees of the enterprise can rest in the best health resorts-dispensaries of Tatarstan — Ship Grove, Varzi-Yatchi, and Bakirovo. These are beautiful comfortable hospitals with a well-maintained adjacent territory, parks, swimming pools — places for good rest and walks. All are equipped with modern medical equipment.

“Ship Grove sanatorium-dispensary is designed for 250 beds. Since this year, staying last 14 days. In total, we have more than 17 types of procedures. The main mission is to instill a culture of disease prevention, family recreation, as well as avoiding a destructive attitude to health," says Aleksey Polyakov, the director of the sanatorium-dispensary Korabelnaya Roscha

This year, dozens of employees of TAIF-NK JSC underwent a course of rehabilitation at the sanatorium-dispensary Korabelnaya Roscha, among them — the operator of processing units of the refinery of TAIF-NK JSC, Azat Fatakhutdinov. He has worked at the enterprise since 2005. He says that the two weeks spent in the sanatorium were filled with care, attention and comfort.

“The impressions are the best. Fresh air, pine forest, four meals a day, swimming pool, sauna, massage and other therapeutic procedures. I really liked everything. Even my arm stopped hurting. I would still stay, but I have to go home," Azat Fatakhutdinov said with a little sadness in his voice.

Caring for the younger generation

Children of employees of TAIF-NK JSC also have fun, useful and active time. This year, health camps in Nizhnekamsk — Chaika, Olympiets, in Naberezhnye Chelny — Solnechny, Krylatiy and in Kazan — Baitik opened their doors for children.

Each camp is unique in its own way. Baytik is located in an ecologically clean area on the banks of the Kazanka River. Throughout the summer shifts, festivals, forums, seminars and conferences, daily educational programmes on advanced technologies and the development of household skills await children.

12-year-old Anastasia Novikova is resting in the health and educational camp Baytik for the second time. The girl's mother was given a ticket at the TAIF-NK enterprise.

“I first visited here four years ago. Then I really liked it, and I decided to go again. This is a great opportunity for me to learn something new in the company of the same enthusiastic guys as me. There are several specialised areas in the camp. I chose “Applied Art” because I like to draw. In the classroom, we are taught various drawing techniques, color perception, communication with nature. It helps to develop thinking, analytical abilities," the girl says.

Brothers Rail and Kamil Sirazievs shared their impressions of the holidays in the Baytik camp.

“It is very interesting here. Exciting events take place every day. There is absolutely no time to be bored and sit on the phone. I really like the direction of “Robotics”, which I have chosen. In the classroom, we build robots and then programme them ourselves. This develops both physical and mental abilities. It combines disciplines such as mathematics, physics, computer science, logic. At first glance, it may seem hard, but it is a creative process that is very exciting," says Rail.

“Unlike my brother, I decided to choose the direction “Foreign languages”. I think a foreign language will definitely come in handy in the future. During the shift in the camp, I managed to make friends with guys from other cities, communicate with peers and teachers. I've learnt new words and expressions in English. In a relaxed atmosphere and in a playful way, it is much easier to master grammar and vocabulary. In my free time I like to read fantasy," his brother Kamil said.

According to 15-year—old Kira Murashova, Baytik is her favourite camp. Thanks to the oil refining company, she is resting here for the third time and always discovers something new.

“I like that all conditions for comfortable living are created in the camp. The rest mode is built according to the daily routine, activities take place in a certain sequence, which allows you to alternate loads and rest. In addition, there are a lot of directions in the camp, and each child can choose what he liked the most. There is no such thing that here a child sits and is bored. In the camp, they can engage in creative processes and distract from the phone. I also like the fact that you can lead an active lifestyle here, walk. And I was shocked that I walk 10 thousand steps all day, just walking around the camp," Kira admits.

Young people, unite!

In general, the social policy in TAIF-NK JSC is multifaceted. The company pays special attention to youth policy, the main purpose of which is the development and support of working youth, the realisation of their professional and creative potential. For this purpose, an asset was organised in the company.

“Our asset is young, it was created a year ago. It includes creative, initiative, caring employees of TAIF-NK. Despite that our movement appeared quite recently, we have already taken part in city actions. The territory of the spring near Nizhnekamsk was put in order twice. In winter, they helped to remove snow to the Balkysh social shelter, participated in city and republican clean-up days," said Olga Nikitina, the chairman of the STC of TAIF-NK JSC.

Thanks to the asset of TAIF-NK JSC, life at the enterprise began to play with new colours. There is a good tradition to hold joint family and sports holidays. Literally at the end of June, on Youth Day, the company's employees organised a large-scale sports festival, which was also timed to coincide with the International Olympic Day. A separate programme awaited the children of the company's employees. Animators held funny contests and games. The organisers of the competitions were the youth asset of the oil refining company, as well as the Atom and Orange fitness fitness clubs.

“Our task was not only to involve people in sports, introduce them to different types of fitness and clubs, but also to create trusting, close relationships with each other. Common obstacles unite, help to unite. Employees of TAIF-NK supported each other during the tests, successfully passed all stations," Roman Semin, owner of the Atom fitness club, is sure.

According to Maksim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC, such family and sports events not only unite the team, but also have a positive impact on solving production tasks.

“TAIF-NK Company for sports. Personally, I love “iron”, snowboarding, hockey — everything related to extreme sports. And I see such people a mile away. Today, on Youth Day, I want to congratulate our youth activists who took part in the organisation of the holiday. Huge thanks on behalf of the company. Well done!” Maksim Novikov added.

But this is not all. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, the company actively develops corporate sports. The company holds competitions in cross-country skiing, mini-football, volleyball for the cup of TAIF-NK JSC. In order for employees to play sports in their free time, the company rents a gym, a swimming pool, a football field.

“A healthy lifestyle is a set of rules, adhering to which a person preserves health, professional longevity and well-being. TAIF-NK company has created all opportunities for employees to play sports, strengthen health in the workplace and spend active leisure time," says Vladimir Gatunok, the deputy director general for general affairs of TAIF-NK JSC.

The company treats people with disabilities with special warmth and attention. All pensioners of the company receive social support in the form of an additional financial payment to the pension, and as part of the Decade of Disabled People, TAIF-NK hands over food packages to its employees.

The company provides charitable assistance to large and poor families within the framework of the republican campaign “Help to get ready for school”. Every year, on the eve of the new school year, future first-graders receive new satchels and all necessary school supplies.

In addition, TAIF-NK JSC traditionally participates in the organisation of large-scale city events. The company's participation in mass celebrations is always distinguished by high professionalism and a sincere desire to please residents and guests of the city.

Today, we can say with confidence that TAIF-NK JSC is a representative of the advanced part of modern Russian business, which aims not only to ensure its own dynamic development, but also to achieve social stability in the region.

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Lilia Yegorova. Photo: Roman Khasaev

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