More than 5 million rubles to be spent on Great Bolgar medieval battle festival

More than 5 million rubles will be spent on holding the All-Russian festival of medieval battle “The Great Bolgar” on the territory of the Bulgarian Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The tender is published on the public procurement website.

Part of the purchase is financed from the budget of the republic. There should be at least nine thematic sites on the territory of the museum-reserve: a tent camp, an arena, a site of a crossbow and throwing shooting range, a fair of medieval crafts, a site of master classes, a fair of folk arts and crafts, a venue for a concert programme and master classes on medieval dances of different peoples and for performances of folklore groups, a family recreation area and a food court.

Photo: (archive)

The tent camp should be designed for 300 people. Also, an equestrian tournament will be held within the framework of the festival, in which four riders in armour are to take part.

Besides, several sites will operate on the territory of the museum-reserve: “Historical camp” with photo zones and weapons of the Middle Ages, “Volga Bulgaria” with a photo zone, tournaments with historical fencing and multiathlon, “Golden Horde”, “Rus XIII-XVI century” with an excursion and exhibition location, a site of projectile weapons. The event takes place on August 13-14.

In 2020, the festival of medieval combat “The Great Bulgarian” recognised as the best tourist event of historical orientation at the IX National Award in the field of event tourism Russian Event Award.

Tatyana Leukhina

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