TAIF-NK identifies best instrument repairman and electric gas welder

TAIF-NK JSC oil refining company hosted the professional skill contest “Best in Profession” among young employees of the company. Eighteen employees of the enterprise competed for the victory, six students of the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining also showed their knowledge and skills. . Read the names of the winners in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Good luck

The contest of professional skills “Best in Profession” is an important part of the personnel policy of TAIF-NK JSC. The company is confident that professionals are not born, they become so. And the professional skills competition, which is close to the international standards of WorldSkills, is an excellent platform that allows participants not only to loudly assert themselves, but also to develop professional skills.

At the contest of professional skills “Best in Profession” among the employees of TAIF-NK JSC, the competencies such as “Instrument repairman” and “Electric and gas welder” were presented for the first time. The competitions were traditionally held on the basis of the N.V.Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining .

“We are glad to welcome you to our college. We wish the participants fair competitions, impartial judging. May the strongest win. Good luck," the deputy director of the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining, Olga Vyatchannikova, addressed the contestants. .

44 questions in 10 minutes

Nine representatives of TAIF-NK JSC, as well as 4 students of the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining took part in the competence of “Instrument Repairman”.

The contestants had to do theoretical and practical tasks. In the theoretical part, the participants had to answer 44 questions related to metrology, automatic control, occupational safety and health in 10 minutes.

The instrument repairman of the gasoline plant of TAIF-NK JSC, Yegor Fedyanin, was one of the first to perform the theory part. The young man got a job at the enterprise 2,5 years ago, right after graduating from the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining . He says that there were no difficulties in answering the questions, since he remembers the theory well from his student days.

“I am very glad that I am participating in the competition of professional skills. It's a great experience for me. It is necessary to combine all the knowledge, take into account the subtleties to show a good result. I want to perform with dignity, not to let my team down. Here we defend the honour of our plant, it's a big responsibility," Yegor Fedyanin shares his impressions.

His colleague, Konstantin Vasilyev, an instrument repairman at the TAIF-NK oil refinery, prepared thoroughly for the professional skills competition. Before the start of the competition, he read a large number of technical documentation, books on metrology, refreshed the general knowledge of Electrical Control & Instrumentation.

“I am participating in such competition for the first time. I prepared myself. If something was unclear, I asked my colleagues and chiefs. The contestants need to know not only the specifics of their work, but also the rules of industrial safety, labour and environmental protection, and much more. On the one hand, it is difficult, on the other hand, it broadens the horizons and adds interest. Following the results of the competition, I plan to raise the fifth category to the sixth," says Konstantin Vasilyev.

The instrument repairmen have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. These people are responsible for the installation and disassembly, inspection, replacement and adjustment of control and measuring devices that regulate the control of various parameters: temperature, pressure, positions of locking devices, flow of various agents and the level of liquids in good condition.

“Modern industry cannot work without measuring instruments, since the entire technological process relies on them. The importance of this specialty lies in that the instrument repairman must properly configure the devices, carry out maintenance. Today we tried to bring the tasks as close as possible to the workflow. The practical part consisted of three blocks. This includes troubleshooting of the flow metre, calibration of the pressure sensor, as well as installation/disassembly of differential pressure devices at the unit," said Sergey Dolganov, the chief metrologist at TAIF-NK JSC.

A profession to be proud of

No less difficult tests awaited the contestants in the competence of “Electric and Gas Welder”. Nine employees of TAIF-NK JSC, as well as two students of the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining competed for the victory.

Ural Ityashev works as an electric and gas welder at the gasoline plant. According to him, an electric and gas welder is not just a specialist doing a certain job, but a great creator, and metal welding is an art.

“I have worked as an electric welder for many years, I love my profession. It requires a creative approach. The professional skills competition gives the opportunity to diversify the work. The task for the participants is quite difficult, but it is even more difficult to overcome emotions. Excitement gets in the way, my hands are shaking. Meanwhile, the welder's hand must be firm to put a high-quality seam," Ural Ityashev is sure.

During the competition, electric and gas welders had to assemble carbon steel elements on a “tack”, as well as weld. The performance of competitive tasks and the quality of work were monitored by an evaluation commission, which included highly qualified employees of the enterprise.

“Electric and gas welder — a specialist in metal welding. Its professional functions include welding of construction and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads. The reliability of technological equipment, pipelines, as well as structures at the entire enterprise depends on the quality of the work performed," says Rustam Bagaviev, the chief mechanic of TAIF-NK JSC.

By the results of the competition “Best in Profession”, Dmitry Zhuravlev from the gasoline plant won the first place in the competence of “Electric Gas Welder”. The best instrument repairman was his colleague, also from the gasoline plant, Yegor Fedyanin. All winners received prizes and financial encouragement.

Socially oriented enterprise

TAIF-NK JSC conducts a lot of work to improve the level of qualification of employees, the formation of high professionalism, modern economic thinking, the ability to work in market conditions.

To do this, the company conducts various types of vocational training: training of new workers, retraining, training in related professions, advanced training, targeted courses. More than 10 thousand trainings take place during the year.

“Our company is one of the most socially oriented in Nizhnekamsk, where there is a huge number of programmes to support employees. We have one of the highest salaries in the region, a full social package and benefits are provided," emphasises Anton Tukhvatullin, the head of the technical training group of TAIF-NK JSC.

The company pays special attention to recruitment. Promising specialists to work at TAIF-NK are selected even before graduation from the educational institution. Every year there are meetings of graduates with representatives of industrial enterprises. When selecting students for employment, representatives of TAIF-NK JSC evaluate the student's average score, their participation in olympiads and competitions of professional skills.

Last year, TAIF-NK JSC launched a dual training system. This is when undergraduates of a secondary school or university combine both training and work at the enterprise at the same time.

“Currently, TAIF-NK employs 24 students in the following specialties: instrument repairman, process unit operator, main equipment repairman, electricians, caster. All of them successfully work for us and receive full wages. These guys will be given time to defend their diploma, after which they will continue to work in our company," says Galina Shimanskaya, the head of the Personnel Department of TAIF-NK JSC.

“To date, TAIF-NK JSC is the only oil refinery in Russia that processes high-sulphur heavy oil with 95% light oil products selection. This is an absolute record in Russia and a worthy place at the level of international oil refineries. Such results can be achieved only thanks to highly qualified specialists, namely, highly qualified TAIF-NK personnel. This is our competitive advantage, which we are very proud of and try to maintain it at the proper level. Such contests are primarily an opportunity for employees, especially young ones, to prove themselves and prove that they are really the best among equals, and for management it is an incentive to maintain the high qualifications of their staff," says Aleksey Khramov, the chief engineer of TAIF-NK JSC.

Today, TAIF-NK JSC is not only a modern production, high quality of products, it is also a cohesive team of like-minded people focused on the future.

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Lilia Yegorova. Photo courtesy of TAIF-NK PSC

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