Almost every third resident of Kazan has no money for a vacation

Thirty seven percent of Kazan residents have absolutely no money for a vacation, these are the results of a survey by the SuperJob job search service among representatives of the economically active population from all districts of the country, including 500 respondents from the capital of Tatarstan.

Kazan ranks eighth in terms of the actual vacation budget — 38 thousand rubles. This is a thousand rubles more than last year (37 thousand rubles). The request to the level of expenses for a week from residents of the capital of Tatarstan is 153 thousand rubles — by 15 thousand rubles more than a year earlier (138 thousand rubles).

Last year, 28% of Kazan respondents claimed that they did not have money for a vacation. Throughout Russia, the average budget per person for a week of vacation this year is 37 thousand rubles. Thirty five percent of Russians said they could not afford to go to a vacation.


Thirty percent of Tatarstan residents reported plans to take a vacation in May. July and August turned out to be the most popular months for vacation among Tatarstan residents. Fifty percent of respondents prefer to rest during these months. Forty percent choose June for their vacation. Tatarstan residents rarely take vacations in November, January and February. Only 3% of respondents choose these options.

Margarita Golovatenko

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