KAMAZ cut lorry production by 14,8% in April, ramped up by 6,6% in four months

KAMAZ cut lorry production by 14,8% in April, ramped up by 6,6% in four months
Photo: realnoevremya.ru

The production of lorries at KAMAZ PJSC reduced by 14,8% in April, to 3,800 vehicles, says Interfax citing the company’s press service.

A decision made earlier to reduce the daily speed of the conveyor belt to 180 vehicles explains this considering the market situation and the avoidance of full warehouses of the company.

In January-April 2022, KAMAZ shipped 15,201 lorries, chassis, assembly and repair sets (+6,6%) to consumers, partners in special machinery production, assembly enterprises and repair subdivisions. In April, the lorry giant supplied spare parts for 2,99 billion rubles (-6,5%) and 10,88 billion rubles (+9,9%) in four months.

The engine plant produced and supplied the factory and other consumers 3,929 engines (-18%), in January-April it did 16,365 (+5,4%).

Photo: realnoevremya.ru

In March 2022, KAMAZ decreased lorry production by 7,5%, to 4,023 vehicles, during the first three months of the year, the figure was 11,398, that’s to say, 16% more than last year. In March, KAMAZ shipped spare parts to dealers, service centres and corporate clients of the company for 3,25 billion rubles (+9,1%) and 7,89 billion rubles (+17,6%) since the beginning of the year.

Margarita Golovatenko

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