Tatarstan to purchase more than 1,100 laptops worth 81,6 million for teachers

Tatarstan to purchase more than 1,100 laptops worth 81,6 million for teachers

1,134 laptops for 81,6 million rubles

Tatarstan schools and colleges continue to update the facilities and equipment — for these purposes, they plan to purchase laptops for a total amount of more than 81,6 million rubles. The money has been allocated under the federal project “Digital Educational Environment” of the national project “Education”. In total, it is planned to purchase 1,134 laptops for 81,6 million rubles. The cost of each of them is estimated at 72 thousand rubles.

An operating system with a graphical user interface and an office software package compatible with it must be installed on all 1,134 laptops. Information about them must be available in the unified register of Russian programmes for electronic computers and databases.

The customer is the Ministry of Education and Science of Tatarstan. It is to this department that the contractor, on whom, by the way, they have not yet decided, must supply laptops by June 30, 2022.

Operating system with a graphical user interface and an office software package compatible with it must be installed on all 1,134 laptops. Photo:

Digital educational environment of Tatarstan

The federal project “Digital Educational Environment” of the national project “Education” is aimed at creating and implementing a digital educational environment in schools and vocational schools in Russia and ensuring the implementation of the digital transformation of education system. By 2024, within its framework, they intend to update the facilities and equipment in 29,5 thousand educational institutions.

From 2010, the projects “Computer — For Schools” and “Computer — For Teachers” have been implemented in Tatarstan for 450 million rubles. Then, within three years, it was planned to update all computers in schools of the republic and provide all teachers with laptops. The idea belonged to then Minister of Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolay Nikiforov, whose initiative was supported by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. As a result, 25,820 laptops were purchased in 2010, and 19,600 in 2011.

The supplier of computer equipment was ICL-KPO VS. Yevgeny Stepanov, the deputy director general of the company, told Realnoe Vremya that more than 40 thousand laptops were supplied to Tatarstan schools in 2010-2011 as part of the “Computer— For Teachers” project.

In 2015, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan decided to gradually upgrade laptops purchased in 2010-2011 for 40 thousand teachers of secondary schools of Tatarstan. As part of the Education Development Strategy for 2015, the republican budget provided for allocating 15 million rubles for the purchase of 555 laptops worth 27 thousand rubles each. However, the new batch was intended primarily for teachers of new schools.

In 2021, the Tatarstan authorities approved the large-scale state programme “Digital Tatarstan”, as a result of which by 2024 100% of schools and other educational organisations in the region should be able to provide distance learning and have access to electronic textbooks. In the five largest universities of the republic digital departments will appear in 2022, acting by analogy with the military.

Last month it was announced that this year 24 thousand teachers of Tatarstan schools will receive modern laptops instead of the old, obsolete ones. Besides, as part of the Year of Digitalisation in Tatarstan, over a billion rubles are going to be invested in equipping rural schools of the republic with wireless Internet access and creating all the necessary infrastructure for this.

Tatyana Demina

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