Ayrat Safin: ‘We already see the first successes of the union with SIBUR’

At the meeting in Nizhnekamsk, the director general of NKNK talked about record indicators in 2021

“Nizhnekamsk is the fifth part of the republic’s economy. 20 million tonnes of Tatarstan oil is refined here, products for 772 billion rubles were shipped in 2021,” said head of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District Ramil Mullin at the final session. According to him, backbone enterprises make an important contribution to the development of the region. Nizhnekamskneftekhim alone, which is part of SIBUR, transferred 11,4 billion rubles to the republican budget and 1,3 billion to the local one last year. Read more in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

“The union is of huge importance for the city’s further development”

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov participated in the deputies’ final session in Nizhnekamsk. Delivering a speech in front of the audience, he stressed that Tatarstan was one of the industrial regions of the country.

“Among Russian regions, Tatarstan ranks 7th in retail commerce turnover, 6th in GRP and investment in working capital, 5th in the amount of shipped products, which was more than 4 trillion. The republic looks decently, including thanks to Nizhnekamsk,” said the president.

20 in 34 million tonnes of all Tatarstan oil are refined in the petrochemists’ capital.

Last year, products for 772 billion rubles were shipped. The inclusion of Nizhnekamskneftekhim and TGC-16’s Nizhnekamsk CHPP-1 into Russia’s biggest gas and petrochemical company SIBUR Holding became one of the milestones.

“This union is of huge importance for the city and industry’s further development,” Ramil Mullin believes.

NKNK transferred 21,5 billion to all budget levels

Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s Director General Ayrat Safin talked about the first positive results after the union between SIBUR and TAIF. According to him, 2021 was the most productive year in the enterprise’s history. A record 2,7 million tonnes of commodities were made. The industrial production index reached 110,8%.

“We reached record-high revenue too, it is the biggest figure in history. Firstly, thanks to the teamwork, good prices. And we already see the first successes from the union with SIBUR. It is centralised sales and purchases, which provides a certain synergetic effect, and the centralisation of certain functions. Therefore we begin 2022 with big positivity and will reveal our potential more,” he stressed

Tax payments increased with incomes too. In 2021, Nizhnekamskneftekhim together with its subsidiaries paid 21,5 billion rubles of taxes to all budget levels. It transferred nearly 9 billion rubles to the federal budget, which is 2 billion more than in 2020, and a billion more than in 2019 before COVID-19.

Payments to the republican budget rose by 9 billion and totalled 11,4 billion rubles. 124 million more were paid to the local treasury, contractors paid 171 million rubles to the urban budget. In 2021, Nizhnekamskneftekhim transferred a total of 1,3 billion rubles.

Head of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District Ramil Mullin emphasised that incomes of the local budget was 4 billion 57 million rubles last year, 37% of them are a share of backbone enterprises. “We hope the city and the industry will continue being honest and equal partners,” the mayor expressed his hope.

Eco-friendly EP-600

The environment of the region was discussed at the final session. The Tatarstan president highlighted it was necessary to keep the balance between the industrial development and environmental protection. New plants are launched, production capacities are expanded in Nizhnekamsk. Rustam Minnikhanov put Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s new olefin complex EP-600 as an example of a careful attitude to the environment when building a factory.

“We have big plans for further development. We already process 20 million tonnes of crude hydrocarbon now, considering the launch of new units, we are due to reach 22-23 million tonnes soon. A big project is now implemented at Nizhnekamskneftekhim. The ethylene production will double. EP-600 is the latest production meeting the strictest requirements from both environmental and economic indicators,” the head of the republic said.

Nowadays more than 34% of works have ended on the construction site of EP-600: all large equipment has been installed, metal structures and pipelines are assembled.

“The project includes the strictest environmental requirements and low emissions. A smokeless flare system is designed, advanced local treatment facilities and a closed water treatment system will operate. Residues per tonne of ethylene will be just 1,5 kg, which is four times better than the figures reached in European enterprises,” noted Director General of NKNK Ayrat Safin.

“We steadily reduce emissions into the atmosphere: production output almost doubled since 2011, while emissions were cut by half. Last year, we started to implement the fifth environmental programme through 2025. The estimated costs are over 12 billion rubles,” he said.

The speaker talked about around-the-clock air monitoring. The data is sent to public agencies online and are available to any Internet user in the app My Neftekhim. Last year, the petrochemists planted more than 200,000 trees. 125,000 baby sturgeons were released into the Kama River to replenish water bioresources, the work on environmental education intensified.

“Within the agreement with the Russian Ministry of Energy, SIBUR committed itself to invest at least 285 billion rubles in the development of plants in Tatarstan in the next few years. We are creating a world-class company together. Developing ourselves we develop the economy of the city and the republic,” he concluded.

Ramil Mullin, in turn, said gas and petrochemistry were becoming the main driver of the country’s economy.

“When the company cares about the environment, the confidence in the enterprises grows too, while its products become more popular in the world market. Such an economy is called green around the world,” he noted.

Besides the environment, Nizhnekamskneftekhim pays attention to process safety. Its costs totalled over 1,5 billion rubles last year. A programme designed to improve working conditions was implemented. 25 amenities were repaired and renovated in the enterprise. The culture of zero traumatism was introduced.

Five-year development programme of Nizhnekamsk

The preparation of qualified staff was also touched on at the session. Director of Carpet youth centre Aliya Minnullina brought up the issues of the absence of a modern youth centre and an outflow of talented youth from Nizhnekamsk.

“Many cities of the republic, including Almetyevsk, Naberezhnye Chelny are facing the same problems today, which is an outflow of young staff,” the president noted. “It is necessary to take serious action, this job needs a holistic approach. Good educational institutions, prospects, comfortable conditions to live and do sport are important for the youth today.”

A staff police designed to attract the youth was created at Nizhnekamskneftekhim. The enterprise annually hires about 300 graduates. Specialised Neftekhim Classes opened in two schools on 1 September 2021 where would-be petrochemists study. Despite this, the enterprise can face a staff hunger because of Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s investment programme through 2030. The NKNK director general supported the municipality’s initiative to create a modern research centre at Nizhnekamsk Chemical Technological Institute in Nizhnekamsk.

A lot of words of gratitude were expressed to health workers who are now at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus. A vaccination campaign is under way in the city.

97% of employees have been vaccinated at Nizhnekamskneftekhim, its herd immunity is 99%. NKNK’s subsidiary Polymatiz produced 19 million masks and 3,5 tonnes of fabric to make medical goods last year. The petrochemists handed over 50 computers and printers, 6,000 protective suits and grabs to Nizhnekamsk’s hospital. In 2021, hospitals received about 7,000 tonnes of liquid oxygen, which is a quarter of Tatarstan’s needs.

Rustam Minnikhanov traditionally summed up the deputies’ session. He offered to create a five-year programme of socio-economic development of Nizhnekamsk District. In his opinion, the programme should include businesses because the city provides workforce for large industrial enterprises.

Liliya Yegorova. Photo courtesy of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

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