‘Commodity producers benefited from high prices on world markets’

Maximum revenue has been received by Kazanorgsintez PJSC, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, Ammonia JSC

The results of the activities of the Tatarstan petrochemical complex in 2021: commodity producers are skimming off, and manufacturers of final products, including Nefis Cosmetics and Kvart, are recording a decrease in profits against the background of global price growth. This prevented them from breaking the 2019 record: 87 billion rubles have been transferred to the treasury instead of 91 billion rubles. SIBUR showed the wonders of automation of production, and the resident of Innopolis surprised President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov with how to hire staff quickly, so the head of the ministry of construction was sent for inspection. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Leaders of profit growth — Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, Ammonia

“Commodity producers have benefited from high prices on world markets. The maximum revenue was received by Kazanorgsintez PJSC, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, Ammonia JSC. The losers were the manufacturers of final products, among which there are Kvart, Nefis Cosmetics — this is how the head of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding JSC, Rafinat Yarullin, outlined the multidirectional dynamics of the enterprises of the petrochemical complex.”

Despite OPEC+ restrictions, Tatneft is gradually increasing the pace, increasing production to 27,5 million tonnes (with a 7% plus). In general, the basic enterprises of the industry increased production by 6,8%, transferring 87 billion rubles to the budget. However, tax bonuses in favour of the state turned out to be less than in the record-breaking 2019, when the treasury “rolled” in oil and gas money, receiving 91 billion rubles.

The head of Tatneftekhiminvest Holding, Rafinat Yarullin, focused on the results of the industry leaders in 2021. Thus, Nizhnekamskneftekhim increased production by 10,8%, producing over 700,000 tonnes of rubbers.

“For butadiene brands — an increase of 19%, for isoprene brands — a lag of 12%,” Yarullin noted.

“For isoprene, probably, price issues played a role. I think that for this reason [there was a decline],” Rustam Minnikhanov made a remark during the report.

Rafinat Yarullin continued:

“Kazanorgsintez showed an increase of 106%. The company reached a positive pace in November, increased the production of polycarbonates to 95,000 tonnes. This year, a project to increase this plastic to 100,000 tonnes will be completed.”

But it was not without disturbing remarks that were made in the report. Thus, the production of polyethylene decreased by 9% due to the shortage of ethylene in the republic, the speaker emphasised. Later he added another “fly in the ointment”, noting that the production of low-pressure polyethylene decreased by 8%.

Ammonia JSC reduced the production by 3%, but there are objective reasons for this. As explained by Rafinat Yarullin, a long overhaul in the third quarter affected. At the same time, Ammonia is slowly getting rid of huge debts.

“Credit burden has decreased by 13% to 95 billion rubles,” Yarullin reported.

Where profit has fallen — call the owner

Minnikhanov asked Prime Minister Aleksy Pesoshin to take control of the enterprises whose profits have fallen.

“Where the profit has fallen, I will ask Pesoshin to hold balance commissions,” he instructed.

Among those who went negative was Chemical Plant Karpov JSC in Mendeleevsk. The company finished the year with a loss of 63 million rubles, although it increased annual revenue by 20%.

However, the plant turned out to be, perhaps, the only one who was left without profit. According to Rafinat Yarullin, most enterprises have demonstrated “an increase in financial indicators”, which makes it possible to increase investments. The investment portfolio includes the projects of TANECO, Danaflex, Nefis Cosmetics, Kazanorgsintez.

“The main task for 2022 is the implementation of investment projects. TANECO plans to get the aromatics complex and a pilot hydroconversion unit, and Nizhnekamskneftekhim — its own station. Nefis is going to increase washing gels [production volumes]. The new production of Danaflex has been started in Alabuga, the production of savylene at Kazanorgsintez is being considered with an increase in capacity to 150,000 tonnes. Tatneft plans to produce terephthalic acid for use at the Ekopet plant in Kaliningrad Oblast. The restoration of the silicone plant at the Kazan Synthetic Rubber Plant is being discussed again,” said the head of Tatneftekhiminvest Holding.

He drew attention to the need for state support, as due to the rise in prices for metals and raw materials, the cost of projects has increased. But we are not talking about their cancellation.

Vasily Nomokonov, the executive director of SIBUR PLC, presented a large, 20-minute presentation on the experience of automation of production and the use of digital tools at enterprises. Automation is taking place on three levels. It concerns operators who, with the help of new tools, can regulate the supply of raw materials to units in real time, as well as apparatchiks and controllers who leave a “digital footprint” in the course of work.

According to Vasily Nomokonov, all automation systems are built on the basis of a distributed control system — automated process control system. A few years ago, the task was set to equip all production automated control systems. According to the company's plans, this goal will be achieved in 2 years. Now the share of their implementation is 92%.

Energy imports — 5 billion kWh

Director of Tatenergosbyt JSC Rifnur Suleymanov, who presented the indicators of electricity consumption of Russia and Tatarstan, made the report on the topic “Cooperation of Tatenergosbyt JSC with customers — legal entities in modern conditions”:

“Over the last 25 years there is an increase in general, except in periods of crisis,” said Suleymenov. “Today, Tatarstan is moving with a faster pace compared with the average dynamics. The increase in the Russian Federation is 5,4%, and in the Republic of Tatarstan — 9,6%.”

Electricity generation on the territory of the republic is lower than consumption. Tatenergosbyt buys the difference outside the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2021, the figure was 5 billion kWh, or 15,7% of the annual consumption.

Tatenergosbyt today provides 71% of the republican electricity sales market. The remaining share is mainly several large enterprises, including KAMAZ PJSC, Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, Kazanorgsintez PJSC. The number of legal entities serviced by Tatenergosbyt today is more than 43,000 consumers.

Also, Rifnur Suleymanov spoke in detail about the final price structure that developed in 2021 for consumers — legal entities: 63,6% (2,64 rubles) — purchase price on wholesale market, 33,8% (1,40 rubles) — the price of transmission services, 2,5% (10 kopecks) — sales surcharge, 0,1% (1 kopeck) — other services.

‘There was such slogan — we will give the country coal, although small, but a lot’

Director of Wibedo IT company Pavel Chernov was given the floor the last, but his presentation turned out to be the most fiery:

“There are people who are not ready to work on schedule or are currently out of work, and those who do not tolerate work on schedule at all from 7 am to 9 pm. Our service is designed to attract such people to work at enterprises that require employees and labour resources.”

He said that the service accepts orders for hiring personnel only from legal entities, and among its clients it is Pyaterochka, Samokat, Sbermarket, Miratorg. The service processes 400 tasks a day. The average payment per shift is 2,500 rubles. This system works in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar.

“Where do you get people from? Everyone complains that there are no people,” Rustam Minnikhanov immediately asked the key question.

“It's true, there are no people,” Pavel Chernov agreed. He explained that he attracted potential employees to the site by making it easier for them to enter: “They do not need to make phone calls now, pass an interview, make a resume. This is the first reason why there is a large flow of performers. The second is payments. On our service, users receive their earnings the next day if the customer accepted the job.”

“But how quickly do you find them?” the president persisted.

“We have 37 thousand users. We take it where other employers do. These are social networks, messengers, websites with vacancies. But we offer a different interaction mechanics, unconventional one,” Chernov replied.

“If unconventional, then they will not apply. Probably non-classical,” Minnikhanov corrected him.

And he asked who was responsible for the quality of work of the hired employee.

“Here the minister of construction is sitting, he sometimes needs a lot of people,” the president explained why he so persistently asks the guest. “There was such a slogan — we will give the country coal, although small, but a lot. But responsible for the quality...” he was perplexed. “Everything that was told is interesting. Probably, there should be such services, but a Tatar should touch it.”

Who will go for a side job?

After a short reflection, he instructed the head of the ministry of construction, Marat Ayzatullin, to look into how the hiring of personnel from the Wibedo website is organised.

“Don't be offended, any new action requires verification,” explained Minnikhanov, adding that a huge number of companies need seasonal, temporary workers. “You and I could also to work, we could go on Sunday,” he called Aleksey Pesoshin, who was sitting next to him.

“What, we need to unload a couple of wagons?” the prime minister was not surprised at all, he seemed ready to go right now.

“It's already a little complicated, but with a shovel [it's possible],” the president laughed.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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