Special care: TAIF-NK representatives visit courageous people in Decade of Disabled Persons
A traditional decade dedicated to the International Day of Disabled Persons began in Tatarstan. The holiday is celebrated on 3 December to draw attention to the problems of rehabilitation and social adaption of people with health disabilities. TAIF-NK JSC doesn’t forget its workers who have disabilities. Representatives of the oil refinery annually visit their colleagues who retired. This year wasn’t an exception.
“Thanks for the constant attention”
TAIF-NK JSC cares about 50 former workers of the companies who have disability categories 1, 2 and 3. It is people of different ages and professions. Though many of them stopped working in the enterprise a long time ago, they are remembered and paid attention.
On the eve of International Day of Disabled Persons, TAIF-NK JSC prepared food baskets for people with disabilities. By the way, Director of the company Maxim Novikov personally oversaw the quality of the presents.
“These people have worked for the good of their own enterprise for many years. We have a chance of thanking everybody for their professionalism and loyalty to their trade. Sympathy, sensitivity to others, especially people with disabilities, have always been in demand. I sincerely hope you stay healthy, be patient, feel love and your relatives’ care, successes in solving life problems,” said Aide to Director General in General Affairs at TAIF-NK JSC Vladimir Gatunok.
Within a few days, representatives of the company visited every worker on pension. They went to Gulchara Valiullina’s house. The woman worked at TAIF-NK as an operator for over 20 years. She retired 15 years ago, had leg surgery. Despite her ailment, she tries to keep her chin up, lead an active lifestyle. In the summertime, she stays at her dacha, in winter, she helps her children and grandchildren. According to her, since she retired, she has felt the staff’s support.
“I want to thank our management very much. Some organisations don’t care about their disabled people or pensioners. We are quarterly transferred financial aid, a reward by Chemist’s Day. I ask to personally give Director General of TAIF-NK Maxim Novikov a letter I sincerely wrote,” Gulchara Valiullina was touched and said.
At the moment, the woman took a piece of paper out of an envelope that included sincere words of gratitude with big letters. The pensioner read the content aloud:
“I, Valiullina Gulchara, worked as an operator in Shop No. 9 before the retirement. I want to thank the management of TAIF-NK JSC for the constant attention to the workers who are on pension. Many thanks for remembering us, pensioners.”
After that, the pensioner invited the colleagues for a cup of tea. At the table, Gulchara Valiullina told them about her days and gave the guests a tip. According to the woman, no matter how tough it is, the most important thing is not to give up and think positively.
“I even dream of my shop at night”
The representatives of TAIF-NK JSC were welcomed at another address as warmly as they were previously. Here former vice head of Shop No. 13 of the oil refinery Boris Kirillin received the guests. Looking at this energetic and fit man, it is hard to imagine that in 2008 he suffered from clinical death, his heart stopped beating. Doctors managed to save his life. In 2010, Mr Kirillin retired. Earlier, he had worked in one place at the ELOU unit for 30 years.
“Thanks for remembering us. May God bless you all with good health. It is very pleasant,” Boris Kirillin said.
He admitted he missed his job, stayed tuned for news in the enterprise.
“I even dream of my shop at night,” the pensioner said.
The representatives of TAIF-NK JSC wished Boris Kirillin many years of life and handed over a food basket to him.
“Not gifts but attention and communication matter”
The Lomtevs family remember the years of work in the enterprise with special warmth. Alexander Lomtev and Lyubov Lomteva started their career in the company’s ELOU AVT-7 primary oil refining plant more than 30 years ago. After numerous reorganisations, they retired, several years after the official retirement.
“We are very pleased we are remembered. We, in turn, remember our enterprise. We worked for the good of our production for so many years, we brought up so many students, I remember everybody’s name,” Mr Lomtev recalls.
“We visit our honourable pensioners, people with health disabilities at home with great pleasure. They wait for us, are happy to see us. Not gifts but attention, communication and care matter for them,” noted Anisa Biktimirova, chairwoman of the Staff Council at TAIF-NK JSC.
It is noteworthy that TAIF-NK helps pensioners and people with disabilities throughout the year. This year, on Universal Children’s Day, the company provided charity support to the Association of Disabled Children’s Parents and Guardians and gave every child a present. Nowadays the organisation helps families bringing up 145 children with health disabilities.
Also, on Universal Children’s Day, all families of the enterprise with children with health disabilities received the annual payout of 5,000 rubles from TAIF-NK JSC.
Staff is TAIF-NK’s key asset
Social policy is an important component of any company’s activity. For employees, it is social protection, stability and confidence in the future, for the employer, it is a responsible business.
TAIF-NK always pays great attention to social and charity work. Housing programmes for the company’s workers, targeted help for war and labour veterans, low-income families and people with health disabilities, support for culture and sport are priorities.
TAIF-NK pays great attention to improving living conditions and raising the quality of life for its employees and their families. Mortgage programmes started to be implemented in the company in 2005: the workers have a chance of buying a flat in a social mortgage and additional corporate mortgage programme. Thanks to it, hundreds of families have improved their living conditions.
The employees’ health is specially supervised. The enterprise allocates a lot of money for medical care, voluntary medical insurance, treatment in health resorts and tours to children camps in Nizhnekamsk District and the Republic of Tatarstan for the employee’s children.
TAIF-NK inculcates love for sport and a healthy lifestyle into its workers. During the year, the company regularly hosts different competitions. The workers compete in table tennis, football, volleyball, ski races and relay runs.
The enterprise makes a decent contribution to the development of the city and district. TAIF-NK is one of the first enterprises in Nizhnekamsk to annually participate in the republican charity campaign Help Go to School: it purchases school rucksacks and stationery for children from low-income and large families.
The company plans to keep supporting socially important charity campaigns aimed to develop the future generation, educate the youth and shape the identity of every child, to protect the staff’s interests, work for the good of Tatarstan, raise the quality of life and wealth of its citizens.
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