How to get new Putin's payment benefits — for parents of schoolchildren, single-parent families, and pregnant women

Tatarstan branch of the Pension Fund tells about the conditions and amounts of social benefits

A really busy time is going to come in the offices of the Pension Fund. Applications for new social benefits are open from 1 July. Introduced on the instructions of Russia's President Vladimir Putin this spring, they are intended for single-parent families, parents of schoolchildren, and pregnant women with low incomes. The source of funds is the reserve fund, from which more than 46,6 billion rubles will be allocated for further targeted payments. Tatarstan citizens will receive almost 5 billion rubles from this amount. The main amount — 4,6 billion rubles — is a one-time payment for preparing for school. Families with future first-graders and students aged 6 to 18 years will receive 10,000 rubles each — a total of 468,000 children. Eduard Vafin, the branch manager of the Pension Fund Department in the Republic of Tatarstan, explained who among the residents of the republic can apply for the new benefits. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Families with income above 9,900 rubles per month per person will not get any benefits

From July, low-income residents of Tatarstan, raising children aged 8 to 17 years, can count on an increase to the family budget in the amount of 4,977 rubles. This is exactly 50% of the minimum subsistence minimum established in the republic at the moment.

Single-parent families where the average monthly income for each of the family members does not exceed 9,955 rubles can also rely on payments. It will be possible to apply through the Public Services service from July 1, and the Pension Fund will start paying in a month. According to the department's calculations, in Tatarstan this allowance will be provided for 38,000 children, it is:

  • children being raised by one parent;
  • children whose parent has died, is recognised as missing, or declared dead;
  • orphaned children.

In general, Tatarstan will receive 189 million rubles from the Pension Fund of Russia for these payments. As the manager of the republican branch of the fund, Eduard Vafin, explained, monetary assistance will be paid every month until the child reaches the age of 17. For example, if a child is 16 years old at the time of submitting an application on July 1, and he or she turns 17 on October 2 of this year, then the money for it will be paid for 4 months — from July to October inclusive. Then the same principle applies, benefits will be transferred to the account from the moment of application. Let's say that the child turned 8 years old in September, and the application for payment was issued only six months later — in February 2022, respectively, and the money will be transferred to the specified account only from February.

“We start payments from August, so it makes no sense to make a rush in the first days of July at all," Vafin warned the applicants.

Pregnant women will have to confirm their status three times to get benefits

For the first time in history, pregnant women can also count on additional financial assistance from the state, provided that they also fall into the category of low-income and get registered at an early stage — from 6 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Within 30 days, they will need to submit an application through GosUslugi public services portal, payments will begin from the month of registration, but not before 12 weeks. Vafin gave such an example: the expectant mother is registered with a clinic during the 9th week of pregnancy, then within a month she applies for payments, so she will receive money from the day of registration. If she delays submitting an application to the Pension Fund and, for example, submits it only after 3-4 months, then she will receive payments only from the month of filing the application.

Here, the amount of payments is slightly higher — 5,311 rubles — this is half of the subsistence minimum for the working-age population in Tatarstan, which is 10,622 rubles. According to the Ministry of Healthcare of Tatarstan, about 19,000 pregnant women who have registered with a clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy will have the opportunity to receive the payment. One hundred and one million rubles will be allocated for their financial support.

Benefits will be paid until the end of pregnancy, while the expectant mother must confirm the presence of pregnancy from the 10th to the 14th week, from the 18th to the 22nd, and from the 30th to the 32nd week. Also, if one of the deadlines is missed, payments will stop, but if the pregnancy status is confirmed again during a doctor's visit, payments will resume. The head of the Pension Fund in the Republic of Tatarstan noted that his department will receive these data within the framework of interdepartmental interaction, namely the Social Insurance Fund.

As the speaker noted, these are preliminary amounts and data on the number of expectant mothers are made without regard for need. The final figures will be known later, when the Pension Fund of Russia receives applications from those who expect payments, and the Social Insurance Fund of Russia will inform the applicant's income level.

Mir card, income not higher than subsistence minimum, and absence of extra living space

To submit applications for all categories of recipients, one will need the following documents:

  • passport
  • MHI certificate
  • certificate of marriage/divorce
  • child's birth certificate.

Eduard Vafin advised all applicants to pay attention to the accuracy of all submitted data, especially the correctness of the account where payments will be received, and it must necessarily belong to the person submitting the application. Last year, there were cases when a closed bank account was indicated or it was issued to third parties.

What is also important, all payments for children and pregnant women will be transferred only to the cards of Mir payment system.

According to the clause 5.3 of Article 30.5 of the Federal Law No. 161 as of 26 June, 2011. 'On the national payment system', from July 1, all social benefits must be transferred only to this type of payment cards. The law was supposed to come into force last year, but due to the epidemic related to the coronavirus, the Central Bank postponed the deadline several times.

As for payments for children, the decision by the Pension Fund's authorities will be made within 10 days. If the submitted information is insufficient or inaccurate, the decision-making period will be extended for another 20 working days to obtain accurate data from other participants in interdepartmental interaction. If the applicant receives a refusal to assign a monetary benefit, the applicant will be notified of the reasons within one day from the date of refusal.

Reasons for refusal of benefits:

  • average per capita monthly income per family member is higher than 9,955 rubles (this includes all types of income for each family member, including alimony, pensions, scholarships, etc., but this list does not include those who are on full state support: conscript soldiers, university students of the Ministry of Defenсe of the Russian Federation who are in custody, are on compulsory treatment, and so on);
  • incorrectly filled out application, false data or failure to provide information at all at the request of the Pension Fund;
  • ownership of two or more residential premises by the applicant or family members, including concurrent estate of the applicant or family members exceeding 24 square metres per person;
  • ownership of two or more residential buildings of no more than 40 square metres per person. Except in cases if an apartment or a house was provided to a large family within the framework of state support, if no more than 1/3 of the entire area is accounted for per person;
  • from January 1, 2022 — ownership of two or more cars, small vessels and self-propelled vehicles;
  • applicant or his family members have no income — only a family with low-income status can count on payments, and zero income will be taken into account only with rare exceptions.

10k rubles to prepare for school

A one-time payment this summer will also be received by parents of schoolchildren, including for future 1st-graders.

In Tatarstan, 468,000 children aged 6 to 18 years will receive 10,000 rubles to prepare for the new academic year, respectively, the total amount of state support for the Republic of Tatarstan in this type will be 4,680 billion rubles. There is a separate procedure for providing benefits for schoolchildren with specific health status, and they will also be provided to disabled children studying at school until the age of 23.

One-time payment this summer will also be received by parents of schoolchildren, including for future 1st-graders. Photo:

The decree of the Russian government has not yet been signed, but the Pension Fund plans to accept applications for this type of benefits from July 15 until November 1, and the money will begin to arrive in the parents' accounts from August to December. Here, the only restriction for receiving monetary support is only the age of the child, and every school student will get a one-time payment, regardless of the number of such in the family. Besides, to get this payment, one does not need to urgently issue a Mir card, since this is not an allowance — the money will be transferred to the card indicated in the application.

Angelina Panchenko

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