To honour the memory: how TAIF-NK makes its contribution to victory celebration

About 8,000 Nizhnekamsk citizens defended the Homeland with weapons in their arms during the Great Patriotic War, almost half of them didn’t come back. They remained on battlefields, others went missing. Five citizens received the title Hero of the Soviet Union, another five became Full Cavaliers of the Glory Order. To perpetuate such a contribution to the victory, TAIF-NK JSC annually hosts events before and on 9 May. In 2020, the company completely renovated the flat of Great Patriotic War veteran Pavlov Panfil. This year, representatives of the enterprise have purchased furniture at his request.

Great holiday

Carnations were brought to the Victory Monument from the early morning — in gratitude to those who made this day a holiday for everybody 76 years ago. The management of TAIF-NK JSC also paid tribute to them by laying flowers and holding a minute of silence.

Dead heroes get names at the city’s cemetery — soldiers of the “Tatar” 80th ski battalion are buried here. The heroes’ remains were buried on 31 January, in the year of the 75th anniversary of the victory, on the day of their last fight in Pskov Oblast.

At that moment, TAIF-NK JSC and other industrial enterprises of the city helped with organising the burial ceremony of 19 soldiers of the 80th ski battalion. This year, representatives of the company visited the place of burial and paid tribute to the compatriots who died at the front.

Pavlov Panfil is one of the Nizhnekamsk heroes who went to the war with his comrades but managed to come back. In 1943, he went to defend the Homeland as a 17-year-old boy. If the war for most soldiers ended in 1945, for Mr Pavlov it did five years later when the victory over Japan was won. In 1950, he finally managed to go back to his homeland.

“Victory Day is impossible to forget, we waited for it for so long! The feelings we experienced are indescribable. Everybody was crying with happiness and shouting: “Victory!”, Mr Pavlov always remembers.

Now TAIF-NK helps the veteran as much as it can. Last year, the enterprise completely renovated the veteran’s flat by the 75th anniversary of Victory Day. When Mr Panfilov and his wife Mrs Maria Panfilova returned from their children’s place, they didn’t recognise their home.

Everything changed: new wallpaper was put up, stretch ceiling was installed, the bathroom and toilet were renovated, plumbing was replaced, the flooring changed and the balcony was improved.

This year, TAIF-NK JSC has purchased furniture at the veteran’s request. Aide to the director general in general affairs Vladimir Gatyunok and Vice Director of Nizhnekamsk’s social protection Lilia Antonova came to congratulate the veteran. Mr Pavlov was handed over a food basket and flowers.

Company with high social responsibility

TAIF-NK JSC workers annually support the Immortal Regiment nationwide campaign. This year, due to the epidemiological situation, it was online. The enterprise’s staff submitted tens of applications to participate in the event and uploaded their heroes’ portraits on the website.

The company has always been famous for its great attention to social issues. The enterprise does multifaceted charity work, participates in different projects of the republic and Nizhnekamsk District aimed to support and develop agriculture, education, health care, sport, culture and art and help the needy, including war and home front veterans.

On 9 May, TAIF-NK JSC congratulates all citizens of Russia on the great holiday and says thank you to every veteran of the Great Patriotic War, those who didn’t spare themselves, fought against the enemy or worked at the home front hard by bringing the long-awaited victory closer.

“On this holy day, we sincerely share the joy and express gratitude for giving the homeland peace and the people confidence in tomorrow. We sincerely wish you and your relatives happiness, a peaceful sky, health and well-being,” Director General of TAIF-NK JSC Maxim Novikov stressed.

Affiliate report

By Lilia Yegorova, Alsu Gusmanova

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