“Tatarstan is a very competitive place”

'Tatarstan: Creating Together' Discussion was held in an “ambitious format” at the closing of the online business forum of the Investment Development Agency

A memorandum of understanding is going to be signed by the Chinese mobile transport platform with global operations DiDi and Innopolis University. This was announced at the plenary session Tatarstan: Creating Together in the framework of the online forum 100% Tatarstan. About what the name of the platform is in the understanding of Tatarstan citizens, partners and guests of the republic, why the population is actively conducting a direct dialogue with the authorities and what conditions the republic provides for the self-realisation of citizens living in it — read in the report of Realnoe Vremya from the panel discussion held at the Gallery of Modern Art in Kazan.

Ambitious format

“This is a truly unique project — 12 days online," moderator, journalist Jonathan Wilson opened the discussion and, as they say, took the bull by the horns — immediately asked Rustam Minnikhanov: “Why did you choose such an ambitious, non-standard format?"

“We are looking for new forms, the president retorted and reminded that this was necessary in the context of the pandemic in the republic, where many important events, including international ones, have been planned for 2020. “This platform provides full information about the republic and our partners. The forum lasts 12 days, and we see how interesting and new this approach is. All this database will remain — this is the most unique material about the republic, its economy, industry, including ministries, departments and our partners.

Greetings from Novosibirsk

As soon as he finished speaking, Deputy Chairman of the Russian government Marat Khusnullin joined the dialogue:

“Can you hear me? Do you hear me?" it took him a moment to break through the distance. “Greetings to all of you from Irkutsk! Although no, I'm already in Novosibirsk!.. As we celebrate the centenary of the republic, we are clearly aware that its achievements are based on the work of many generations... Today Tatarstan is a driver of social economic development, the pioneer in the introduction of modern technologies, it implements large-scale investment technology, improved industry, creating new high-tech production.

In particular, Marat Khusnullin noted the role of the first president of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev, in the formation of the republic in the new Russia — his role in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the republic, thanks to which it “gained independence in politics, economy and culture, international relations, it has its own logic of historical development”.

“I would like to highlight the contribution of Mintimer Shaimiev, who created all this base, on the basis of which the development of Tatarstan was built further," Khusnullin said.

“It is interesting and peaceful to live here”

Following his colleague, Igor Komarov, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District, answered the question of what 100% Tatarstan is for him:

“Tatarstan is one of the most developed and dynamically developing regions of our district and the whole country... This is the first economy in the Volga Federal District, and since 2015, Tatarstan has consistently been among the top three regions of Russia in the annual National Investment Climate Rating. There is a good standard of living here, and people can fulfill themselves — work at well-known enterprises throughout the country, open and develop their business, get high-quality treatment and give modern education to their children... It is interesting and peaceful to live here!”

After mentioning the republic's success in healthcare, demography, and sports, and praising Tatarstan for its achievements in the development of digital economy and special economic zones, Komarov finished his congratulatory speech quite traditionally and wished that “the results achieved would become the basis for new victories”.

There is a good standard of living here, and people can fulfill themselves — work at well-known enterprises throughout the country, open and develop their business, get high-quality treatment and give modern education to their children

About human and historical potential

When asked by the host why people are the focus of attention in Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov said that “economic potential and human capital are very closely linked”. In this light, it was logical to involve the minister of transport of Singapore, Ong Ye Kung, who brought his country's delegation to Kazan for WorldSkills last year, in the convrsation, as well as the president of WorldSkills International in 2010-2019, Simon Bartley — both of them remembered their visit to Kazan with pleasure.

“Tatarstan is a very competitive place," said Ong Ye Kung.

Bartley praised the level of training in working professions in Tatarstan and expressed hope to return to Kazan once again.

Irina Bokova, the director general of UNESCO in 2009-2017, assessed the potential of the republic from the other side and recalled the achievements of the republic in preserving its historical heritage.

To keep everyone healthy

“How healthy is the healthcare system in Tatarstan?" moderator Rayana Akhmetzyanova asked Rustam Minnikhanov.

The president spoke about new hospitals and mobile clinics, major repairs of hospitals, record-breaking construction and commissioning of the new building of the Kazan Infectious Diseases Hospital, which made it possible to open other medical institutions for routine care of patients in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. He also said:

“Over the past ten years, we have invested about 10 billion rubles in the healthcare system, and this work will continue!

A natural continuation of the conversation about health was a conversation about sports and the sporting achievements of the head of the republic — a car and motorcycle racer, amateur hockey player, avid cyclist. All these achievements were significantly confirmed by the photo evidence shown on the screen. This was followed by logical congratulations on the centenary of the republic from the president of the International Swimming Federation FINA, Julio Maglione.

Laboratory as a gift

Rustam Minnikhanov's response to the moderator's question about entrepreneurs and businesses was not so much festive as businesslike. The president spoke about the support provided to businesses in Tatarstan in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the role of the federal centre and local assistance measures, thanks to which almost all business could be saved in the republic.

“These people are self-sufficient, they provide for themselves and create jobs for others," the president stressed the importance of the task. “This topic is our priority!”

So after the speech of the World Bank's program leader in Russia, Christopher Miller, who also spoke about creating conditions for business development in the republic, and then congratulations from a new player in the Tatarstan market — the CEO of the Chinese mobile transport platform with global operations DiDi in Russia, Jayden Zhu, quite logically announced the upcoming signing of an agreement with Innopolis, “to make transport more efficient and safe”:

“DiDi and Innopolis are signing an agreement on the creation of a laboratory. Innopolis University is creating this laboratory as a gift for the centenary of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Jayden Zhu invited Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov to the signing ceremony in China.

When there is such a connection between the government and the population, people become active

“We are together!”

“Why are Tatarstan citizens so active?" Rayana Akhmetzyanova asked Rustam Minnikhanov.

In response, the president of the Republic of Tatarstan reminded about various platforms created in the republic for the dialogue of the population with the authorities, starting with People's Control and ending with accounts in social networks:

“When there is such connection between the government and the population, people become active.”

And then, after watching a film about how to answer the question what 100% Tatarstan, citizens and guests of Kazan (Kazan, chak-chak, hockey, delicious tea, medicine, capital new buildings...) are for them, he summed up:

“We are together — this is 100% Tatarstan.”

Then he also added:

“The most important is peace and harmony, interethnic and interfaith harmony, without it, nothing is possible to build or create.”

By Inna Serova. Photo: gossov.tatarstan.ru

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