Former Shamovskaya hospital in Kazan grown into five-storey hotel

The construction of the second stage of Kazan Palace by Tasigo is going to be completed at the end of August

Five years ago, it became known that a hotel will appear in the building of the former Shamovskaya hospital — the cultural heritage site of regional significance. It was then that Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov met with Turkish investors and agreed on the reconstruction of the historical building in the centre of Kazan. Now in its premises there located Kazan Palace by Tasigo hotel. And the second stage of the hotel construction is already being completed nearby, but this already will be a new-build. Both buildings, which will house more than 160 rooms, are connected by a corridor-gallery. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Deadline — the end of August

The second stage of the construction of Kazan Palace by Tasigo hotel is being completed in the capital of Tatarstan. The new building will be connected to the main building by a heated passage-gallery. It is built on the right side of the first block of the hotel on Roscha Frunze Street. The customer-developer is Polistroykapital PLC, included in the structure of Turkish Polimeks. The general designer is another Turkish firm — Mavikazan PLC.

The five-story building began to be erected last autumn. According to the passport of the object, which is located on the side of Volkova Street, the construction is planned to be completed by February 1, 2021. However, the representative of Polistroykapital, Cuneyt Unal, assured the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya that all work is going to be completed by the end of August 2020.

As our journalist who visited the site personally saw, the building has already been built, and the construction and finishing works are underway inside. The area around the construction site is fenced, inside there are construction trailers and temporary structures for workers. The builders themselves, with whom the correspondent had the opportunity to communicate, confirmed that they were tasked to complete the work in August, “so that in September they could settle guests”, and “do everything as efficiently as possible”.

Moreover, the developers tried to approach the main building in terms of the style and colour scheme of the second block.

Plus 96 rooms

“Because of the pandemic, we had to suspend construction for a while," says Cuneyt Bey. “In April, when the restrictions began, they stopped for a couple of weeks. Then they allowed it again when Putin said that construction should not stop. And we started working.

The new building, which occupies 6,000 square metres, is designed for 96 hotel rooms. There will be no other facilities, such as conference rooms, restaurants, offices, or meeting rooms. The planned utilisation of the hotel for the first year of operation — 65%.

Turkish investors invested about 20 million dollars in the second stage of the hotel construction. The project in 2019 was approved at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission under the President of Tatarstan on urban development in historical settlements. However, even then, experts made their own adjustments. In their opinion, both buildings are similar in volume and compete with each other. The participants of the meeting noted that the Shamovskaya hospital should become the main object, and all other space should be subordinated to this building. It turns out that developers and planners eventually ignored this opinion of experts.

The first stage of Kazan Palace by Tasigo opened last spring. The five-star hotel is located on a hill in the building of the former Shamovsky hospital. Now it has 66 rooms with 120 seats. Thus, the entire hotel complex will have 162 rooms.

The legacy of merchant Yakov Shamov

The developers and reconstructors tried to preserve the historical appearance of the building of the Shamovskaya hospital. In addition to rooms, restaurants, and spas, the hotel also has a museum dedicated to the history of the medical facility. The room is decorated with a monument to the Kazan patron of art — Old Believer Yakov Shamov. The renovation and interior design were developed by Turkish studio Istanbul Lab.

Kazan Palace has become another hotel in Tasigo Hotels chain (owned by Polimeks Group). Other hotels are located in Turkey and Turkmenistan. The Kazan facility cost them $50 million. By the way, the same Turkish holding invests 100 million dollars in the construction of a multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex Espace on Vakhitovsky Hill in the centre of Kazan. At the same time, the company intends to build a greenhouse complex and implement a project in the field of green energy, as Realnoe Vremya reported earlier.

The main building of the hotel is an object of cultural heritage of regional significance. The hospital was built in 1910 at the expense of merchant Shamov. After the revolution, the First clinical hospital was located here. In 2008, the hospital building was declared an emergency and closed for repairs. In 2012, Malaysian company Aliran Adaman, which bought the building for 59 million rubles, intended to set up a medical centre here. However, the project was abandoned, and in 2014 Tatarstan bought the building back into the ownership of the republic.

Exactly 5 years ago, in early July 2015, Rustam Minnikhanov, then acting president of the Republic of Tatarstan, held a meeting with two Turkish investors — Fettah Tamince, the Chairman of Rixos Hotels, and Erol Tabanca, the chairman of the board of Polimeks.

“We need quality hotels with good modern infrastructure," the head of the republic said at the time. The Turks presented their vis-a-vis sketches of the future hotel. After reviewing them, Minnikhanov added: “It is important for us not only to preserve the historical site, but also to make it function.”

As a result, the hotel went to Polimeks. The hotel was planned to open in time for 2018 FIFA World Cup, but the launch was postponed to a later date.

By Timur Rakhmatullin, photo by the author

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