Probability of dying from a stroke is 4 times higher than from COVID-19: doctors ask not to refuse hospitalisation

Patients with heart deceases do not go to the hospital — they are afraid of coronavirus

Concerned doctors held a press conference on how to hospitalise “acute” patients in the conditions of coronavirus on 2 June. According to statistics of the ministry, for the last four months, the number of refusal to hospitalise from people with the first signs of developing heart attacks, strokes, impaired blood flow in the brain and pre-stroke conditions has significantly increased.

Residents of Tatarstan are refusing to go to hospitals, fearing infection with the new coronavirus. Recently, 300 people with symptoms of heart and vascular diseases have chosen to stay at home. At the same time, on the territory of the republic, stroke affects at least 17,000 people a year, said external chief vascular neurology specialist of the ministry of healthcare of Tatarstan, Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery at the Kazan State Medical University Dina Khasanova.

My colleagues and I are concerned: in the conditions of coronavirus infection, the risk of blood clots is very high, and this makes an additional contribution to the likelihood of developing both heart attacks and strokes. It is common for our patients to refuse hospitalisation despite the fact that they have signs of a “vascular catastrophe”, explaining that they are scared and afraid of getting the coronavirus infection in close contact with other people," Zulfiya Kim, the chief cardiologist at the ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, shared her concern.

If last year, on average, there were 30 to 40 patients a day with acute coronary syndrome without pronounced symptoms, at the first stages of the disease development, then today there are significantly fewer of them — 20-25. Patients are refusing to be hospitalised even if there are signs of a “vascular catastrophe”, fearing that they will be lying with coronavirus patients.

Ministry of healthcare: the risk of death from stroke is at least four times higher than from coronavirus

The mortality rate from Covid-19 is from 1 to 5 per cent, while from stroke — at least 15-20%, depending on the region and statistical method of accounting, says Kim. Obviously, the risk is much higher.

The total number of beds for patients with “vascular catastrophes”, according to the doctor, is currently preserved in the republic. Emergency medical care continues to be provided to patients with signs of heart attacks, strokes, brain blood flow disorders, and unstable angina. The effectiveness of treatment for vascular diseases depends on the speed of care, and therefore at the first symptoms, pressing or burning pain in the chest, you need to call an ambulance. No one can cope with such ailments on their own.

“I will open the curtain: each hospital has a buffer zone where patients with suspected coronavirus infection are placed. Who are we treating as suspicious? Those who have been in contact with the infection, those who have had some catarrhal phenomena, clinical signs of coronavirus infection, or even a slight increase in temperature. The patient is in the buffer zone, but he does not get into the 'clean' zone," said the chief cardiologist of the ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the company of other patients in the hospital, a “suspicious” patient gets only after he will have a lung RCT and PCR and suspicion is removed," concluded Zulfiya Kim. For those who have confirmed coronavirus infection and, at the same time, a vascular disease, separate blocks are allocated in hospitals.

By Olga Golyzhlybina

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