RealnoeVremya Marketing 2020: 'People scroll everything that can be scrolled'

Participants discussed the present and future of PR and marketing with experts

Last Friday, at the conference of Realnoe Vremya online newspaper in Piramida hotel and entertainment complex in Kazan, experts discussed how the company's own social media department differs from outsourcing, and how to develop in Yandex.Zen and TikTok and what you need to know to stay on the wave and competently promote your brand. Read the details in our material.

Honestly and meaningfully

The conference Marketing of #RealnoeVremya2020 was devoted to the topic of brand promotion in the era of constantly emerging new communication channels and trends, which was what the invited experts joked about. Leading Russian experts in this field arrived in Kazan to discuss trends for brands and how to promote a business in the digital world in an informal setting with successfully implemented cases: Nikita Belogolovtsev, the head of storytelling at Yandex.Zen, Stepan Slyusarev, the director of advertising sales of TikTok in Russia, Yevgenia Lampadova, the founder and CEO of a communication agency, Valeria Titova, the business development director of the communication group Premikom, Arseny Ashomko, the ex-director of media products development of Vkontakte, and Nikita Treschev, the head of the social media department at Beeline.

At the opening of the conference, the speakers briefly discussed the current trends. Social networks value only honest content that carries the company's values, without empty posts like “Good morning”. At the same time, experts are sure that you need to experiment with the feed. For example, Stepan Slyusarev noted that, for example, on TikTok channel, a pipe rolling plant's channel could be popular, which would be interesting to see how, in fact, these pipes are made. At the same time, the speakers agreed that presence in all social networks for the sake of presence is not worth it. You only need to choose sites that are suitable for promoting a particular brand. These and other questions were discussed in detail in the framework of personal presentations with sessions of questions, and a prize was awarded for the best one according to the experts of Realnoe Vremya.

From visual content to podcasts and the new reality of social networks

Since one of the main goals of the conference was traditionally to create a platform where participants not only listen to interesting and useful presentations but also have the opportunity to personally get acquainted with invited experts and discuss exciting topics with them, comments and questions could be addressed not only at the end but also during the speech — as they touch on current trends for specific listeners.

Yevgeny Lampadovs opened a series of lectures, she has worked at Unimilk, Russian Railways, APK-holding, Skyeng and Wikimart. She dedicated her speech to PR trends in 2020. Using the example of Aeroflot and the cats that died during transportation, the speaker told how a whole series of incorrect decisions by marketers can affect the reputation, why advertisers like Meduza's approaches, and how, for example, to naturally interest the audience in Rolton noodles. Among the new, only developing channels for integrating brands, the speaker named podcasts. In the United States, this appeared earlier, but now in Russia, as you can see, podcasts are actively developing and information goes from visual to audio. And businesses are reacting to this. According to an IAB study, if in 2018 American companies spent about $0,5 billion on advertising in podcasts, then in 2019 this figure already grew to 0,7 billion. According to forecasts for 2021, podcasts will take $1 billion. Thus, the trend development vector is clear, but at the moment, it is not completely clear how to track the result of such integration.

Arseny Ashomko, the former development director at Socialist Group and Vkontakte, announced the launch of his own agency at the conference of Realnoe Vremya. Arseny Ashomko with humour, quickly and concisely told about his own vision of the mechanisms of social networks In his opinion, users are moving towards anonymity, without publishing personal information in their accounts, the number of reposts is reduced, and they are already perceived strangely, and public discussions are moved to chats. What should we do to avoid looking stupid in social networks and attract the audience? Arseny aslo spoke about this.

Everyone competes with everyone

Valeria Titova specializes in attracting clients in large b2b. The speaker with 12 years of experience in PR and marketing promotes products in a complex, specialized IT market. In the course of her speech, she explained how to earn loyalty after rebranding and actual noname, why Account Based Marketing is preferable for b2b and why vanity metrics do not work now.

Nikita Treshchev, the head of the social media department at Beeline, told us about the marketing policy inside the company. He explained why you should not be afraid to ban and set strict limits in social networks, why they close comments and this year did not congratulate subscribers on February 23. Listeners were most interested in the mechanisms of his department, how many people there are and where to look for effective specialists in the team.

Stepan Slyusarev, the director of advertising sales for TikTok in Russia, has extensive experience in this market (before TikTok, the speaker was responsible for advertising at Httpool), he knows in practice how to work with all social networks. At the Realnoe Vremya conference, he shared not only his vision but also spoke about the mechanisms of operation of one of the fastest growing platforms in Russia.

The last speaker was Nikita Belogolovtsev. Since 2018, he has worked as the head of storytelling at Yandex.Zen, earlier he headed Mel, the creation of which was preceded by the career as a TV journalist. Nikita arranged an hour-long dive into the world of content that you want to read and scroll. The latter, according to the speaker, is the closest form of presence in the Network for users.

“People scroll everything that can be scrolled. This is the most native, understandable and natural action on the Internet," says the head of the direction.

Speaking about users' perception of content, Nikita explained how Yandex.Zen works and what, in fact, you need to do to make advertising in the channel perform the tasks set. Most of the questions from the conference participants were also devoted directly to Yandex.Zen's algorithms.

In summary, almost all speakers unanimously believe that in the world of marketing and PR, everyone competes with everyone: regardless of the site and services provided. Accordingly, all market participants face the same task: convince the user to stay with you for a while longer. How to do this for established brands, and how to attract an audience with a real result in the form of sales, was discussed at conference of Realnoe Vremya.

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By Maria Gorozhaninova

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