“It has long been needed” — Kazan to open children's cancer centre worth 2bn rub in 2 years
8,000 children are battling with cancer in Tatarstan alone
The construction of the children's centre of oncology, hematology and surgery for 100 beds at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital (DRKB) in Kazan begins in 2020, Tatarstan Health Minister Marat Sadykov told Realnoe Vremya. According to experts, the region has needed such centre for already a long time — the number of children with cancer grows by 18-20% annually. Meanwhile, the existing department in the DRKB is designed for only 30 beds, while 60-70 children permanently staying there.
Cancer incidence among children is growing
“Two billion one hundred and fifty-two million rubles have been allocated for the construction of the children's centre of oncology, hematology and surgery at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital (DRKB) in Kazan,” Tatarstan Healthcare Minister Marat Sadykov told Realnoe Vremya. “The financing will be carried out, as usual, within the framework of the Federal targeted programme, in the ratio of 52% — from the federal budget, 48% — from the regional budget. The construction will be carried out in 2020-2021. The centre is to open and receive the first patients at the end of 2021.”

The building of the centre will be built next to the DRKB, where the oncohematology department already operates.
Marat Sadykov spoke about the plans to build the children's oncological centre in July. “The need to create such a centre is long overdue, as among the children's population of the republic there is an increase in cancer,” the minister said. “Today, 8,273 children have been diagnosed with cancer in Tatarstan.”
“This centre was needed long ago”
According to the head of the Angela Vavilova Charity Foundation, Vladimir Vavilov, the need to build a children's cancer centre in Tatarstan is long overdue: the existing oncohematology department in the DRKB does not cope with the current flow of patients.”

The new centre will not face a personnel problem
Chairperson of the Public Council under the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan Chinzis Makhmutov also positively assesses the initiative to build the centre as the new institution will increase the availability of oncohematological care. At the same time, there is no need to fear that there will be a staff problem in the new centre.”

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