Elmira Zaripova: “There is a big drop in birth rate in rural areas”

The minister of labour, employment and social protection of the Republic of Tatarstan on the first results of Demography national project

Demography national project has been implemented in Russia for already almost a year, since last December, in which Tatarstan is taking an active part. The national project provides assistance to large families, women on maternity leave, as well as the elderly. Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Elmira Zaripova told about the implementation of the national project in the framework of the online conference of Realnoe Vremya.

Support to families with children

The ministry of labour of Tatarstan within the framework of the national project oversees three regional components of the federal projects of the national project Demography, including “Financial support of families at the birth of children”. The project aims to increase the total birth rate in the region.

The basis of the project is connected with monthly payments in connection with the birth of the first child to families with an average per capita income that does not exceed the subsistence minimum 1,5 times. The amount of payments is equal to the subsistence minimum of the working population in the region. In Tatarstan, this amount is currently 8,896 rubles, in 2020 — it will be equal to 9,373 rubles. According to Elmira Zaripova, this support helps young families cope with the mortgage burden.

“Of course, this is a significant support to young families. This year, 11,981 women benefited from the support in the republic. The popularity of this measure is high because people know that there will be a guaranteed income up to 3 years,” said the interlocutor of Realnoe Vremya.

This year, 11,981 women benefited from the support in the republic. The popularity of this measure is high because people know that there will be a guaranteed income up to 3 years

The head of the department also reminded that regional payments are also provided in Tatarstan, which were introduced on behalf of President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. This is support, including rural women.

“When we analyzed the data, we saw that there is a large drop in the birth rate in rural areas. It is clear that this is due to urbanization and the outflow of population to the cities. Moreover, we observe a tendency when the woman makes the decision to give birth to a child much later,” Zaripova noted.

“In this regard, new measures of social support to women permanently living in rural areas of Tatarstan have been introduced in Tatarstan since January 1, 2018,” the minister reminded in the interview with Realnoe Vremya. At the birth of the first and third child: a woman under the age of 25 years at the birth of the first child is entitled to a one-time payment of 50,000 rubles; a woman under the age of 29 years at the birth of the third child — a one-time payment of 100,000 rubles.

The result of the introduction of new incentive payments in 2019 alone has become that the number of first births in rural areas has increased by 10% compared to the 1st half of 2018. At the same time, at the end of the 1st half of 2019, the share of third children in the total number born compared to the same period in 2018 amounted to 16,3 %, which is approximately by 1% more than the value of the same period of 2018 (15,2%).

According to the ministry of labour, there is a large number of single people under 30 years in the republic. At the same time, a large percentage of single people under 30 years, both among women and men, who have never been married and have not given birth to a child before 30 years. The survey showed that one of the reasons is that people can't get to know each other. This is not a problem of big cities but of rural settlements.

Large families with incomes below the subsistence minimum will be exempt from paying for kindergarten

The federal project “Financial support of families at the birth of children” is also aimed at those who cannot give birth to children for medical reasons. At the expense of MHI funds within the framework of the project, no less than 1,809 cycles of in vitro fertilization for infertility sufferers are planned in 2019 alone. For 9 months of 2019, 1,500 IVF cycles have already been carried out in the republic. As the analysis shows, 20-30% — it is successful.

In order to bring their incomes to the subsistence minimum, from next year everyone will be paid an allowance, the average size of which will be 4,560 rubles per month per person. This is a purely regional measure. The funds are allocated from the republican budget

At the same time, the project is also fighting poverty. Among this category of citizens, there is a large number of large families. In Tatarstan, there are 627 families with five children whose income is below the subsistence level.

“In order to bring their incomes to the subsistence minimum, from next year everyone will be paid an allowance, the average size of which will be 4,560 rubles per month per person. This is a purely regional measure. The funds are allocated from the republican budget,” said Elmira Zaripova.

In 2020, another measure of support to large families is to be introduced — kindergarten support. If the family has three children and the family has incomes below the subsistence minimum, they will be exempt from paying for kindergarten. This measure is aimed at supporting families with three children. In addition, an electronic certificate for medicines in the amount of 10,000 rubles per year for children under three years of age from families with income below the subsistence minimum has been introduced.

Retraining for women on maternity leave

Another federal project the republic participates in is the project “Promotion of employment of women — the creation of conditions of preschool education for children under three years”. It has been allocated 87 million rubles — the regional and federal budgets. In 2020, the programme aims to retrain 1,549 women on maternity leave. Basically, training is conducted in professions that are now in demand in the labour market. It should be noted that this programme has been implemented in the republic since 2012. Over this period, 6,500 people have been retrained. They learned such professions as hairdresser, boiler room operator, cook, seamstress, manicure specialist, interior designer, landscape designer, accountant, personnel manager. According to the minister of labour, these are the professions that allow combining motherhood with employment.

Such foster families, that take care for an elderly person, is paid from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles a month. The amount depends on the diseases of the person you care for

About how Tatarstan is creating a system of long-term care for the elderly

The pilot project to introduce a system of long-term care for the elderly has been launched in 12 regions of the Russian Federation, including Tatarstan. Within the framework of the federal project “Older generation”, the central place is occupied by measures to create a system of long-term care for elderly citizens and people with disabilities. The main areas of work are an individual approach, disease prevention, training of relatives in proper care. Twenty-eight million rubles will be spent for this purpose.

In addition, the republic successfully continues to implement the project “Foster family for the elderly”. According to the ministry of labour of the Republic of Tatarstan, today there are 38 such families in Tatarstan.

“Such foster families, that take care for an elderly person, is paid from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles a month. The amount depends on the diseases of the person you care for. Of course, the family that decides to take the elderly person from a boarding house passes preparation,” the minister noted.

In conclusion, Elmira Zaripova added that currently there are about 126,000 working pre-retirees in the republic. This is a new category that has appeared in the legislation. A project is being implemented to ensure the preservation of employment of these people.

Official partners:

By Lyutsia Kashapova. Photo: Rinat Nazmetdinov

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